practice, explore:
- Was it easier to help the client bring in the vibration or do it yourself. How might your personality trait and the personality trait of the client determine your experience in this manner?
- How might your personality trait be an asset in this experience?
- How might your client’s personality trait be an asset in this experience?
- Did you share too much? Why or Why not?
- What was easy/difficult? Why?
- What would you do different next time? Why?
- What would you do again?
- What does it mean if the distortion did not shift?
- Any transference/projections come up?
More Practice in Assessing Energy
- What subconscious shadow material gets in the way of you seeing/tracking energy and consciousness? Is there a difference between energy and consciousness. Meaning is energy ever separate from consciousness?
- Assessing the Energy in the Mind and Body at Core and Distortion Levels.
- Seeing/Sensing Image and Belief Distortions.
- Seeing/Tracking another’s Enlightened Observer
- Go over the HSP Teachings – Energy Competencies
Take one hour, play music and get on the floor. With a strong enlightened observer, practice some of the movements outlined in the hand out: jellyfish; starfish; sea squirt (mouthing); Lancet Amphioxus Notochord; Bones; move through the spatial planes first on the ground then standing. Organically let your body continue to move – remove the mind – and see where you end up. If at any moment you feel too much trauma arises – stop – do the containment procedure and bring in core being. Call your therapist and work through this with external support. Briefly describe your experience and lessons learned. See below review of it.
Prevertebrate Patterns
From Conception to Crawling-the chapter on Whole Body Movement and Spatial Awareness
Integrated whole body movement is 3 dimensional. Bodies turn, limbs role, spines arch and flex. Primitive Reflexes are our safety mechanisms. They cause us to pull our hand away from a hot stove, and respond with our senses to different terrain and stimuli without thinking about it.
Prevertebrate patterns are great as simple renewal exercises after a long stress filled day. Wear comfortable loose clothing and have enough space around you so you can lie on the floor and roll without bumping into furniture. This is best done on a warm smooth floor so you can wiggle freely.
Begin by imagining that before you take physical form you start out as a vibrational force in the universe. Your Core Being shines brightly. Know it, feel it, be it! This vibration is your soul signature and continues to live in ever cell of your body as it develops. Awaken into your body. See if you can get the hum to resonate throughout your entire body. Scan your feet, thighs, limbs and chest (front back, top bottom, left right).
Develop an awareness of the sensations of the underlying patterns and vibrations. Cellular awareness comes next. Imagine how you now take a form as a single celled organism. Feel your cellular membrane and the fluids inside your cellular body.
The mitochondria inside the cell produce energy. Feel the support of cellular fluid and the life it brings. At this stage of development all activities are inside the cells. No brain, relax all thinking and return to the state of cellular consciousness.
Jellyfish: Imagine now that you want to move inside the uterus just as a jellyfish moves through water by condensing and expanding and condensing and expanding. Feel the pulsation through your whole body, organs and cells.
Starfish: From the simple movement you begin to develop limbs. Like a giant living starfish, feel the six limbs of your body develop. These are the hands, feel, face and head, pelvic floor and tail. Press your navel into the floor a few times. Sense this area as the mouth of the starfish, and that all information comes back to the navel. Now press one hand into the floor. Feel the line of energy that goes hand to navel and navel back to hand. If you cannot yet feel this, imagine the stream of energy. Energy is going from periphery to core, and back. Do this a number of times. Do this with your other hand, hand to navel and navel back to hand. Open up each limb in this manner. Add the head then through to the tail then the feet. Once all limbs are awakened, explore how impulses travel though your body. Go from your head through your navel to your tail. Can you start an impulse in your hand and have it sequence to and wiggle the fingers of your other hand, or move the muscles of your face and head? Can you start an impulse in your hand and have it wiggle the toes of your other foot? Foot to tail? Tail back to head? Play with all combinations and include going diagonally across the body, always passing through the navel. Explore now slithering around the ocean floor just like a starfish. If you bump into furniture use your limbs to give you information. Push your feet into the wall and explore. Reach with your toes, your tail and the top of your head. Push the top of your head gently into the couch or another starfish and see how much information you can discover thorough your head. Do the same with your tail. Allow all limbs to explore the environment equally. Bring this information from limb to navel, navel back to limb.
Sea Squirt
Imagine yourself to be a giant sea squirt. You are one big digestive tube, mouth to anus. As a sea squirt, explore the ocean floor. Reach with your mouth. Reach, pull and take in. Smack your lips and awaken your cheeks. Feel the sensation of curiosity and desire. Find your hand with your mouth. Do not put your hand into your mouth; rather, find your hand through the curiosity and reach of your mouth. Make mouth sounds as you find the fat part of your hand and suck on it. Use your mouth and lips to explore your hands.
Suck with the roof of your mouth as your tongue touches your cheeks. Feel the subtle flexion and extension of the skull on the spine. Notice how your breathing deepens and your organs relax. As a giant sea squirt, feel yourself as one big digestive tube. You are relaxing, reaching, taking hold, exploring and digesting.
Now explore rolling. Let your thumb go and with a finger gently stroke the corner of your mouth out toward your jaw. As a sea squirt would reach toward the stimulus, and let that reach travel through your entire digestive tube. Keep reaching and notice that your mouth turns your esophagus, your stomach and intestines. Feel how your organs roll all the way from mouth to anus. Relax and feel the power of the organs moving through your body. Include the heart and lungs, the liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas. Include the kidneys and bladder and the sex organs. Feel how all the organs will roll based on the initiation of reaching with your mouth.
Now start the other end. Squeeze; release your anal sphincter to bring sensation to your anus. Scratch on your pants or imagine a stimulus and reach with your anus and tail towards the stimulus. Practice initiating rolling from mouth to anus.
Lancelet Amphioxus Notochord
Once our digestive tube is developed, follow our evolution to the back of the body. The lancelet is a bridge between the gut in front and a nervous system begin and a notochord in the middle. The notochord is the primitive skeletal system. Feel the tube of the notochord that goes from head to tail. This is the embryonic tissue that later becomes the spine. Feel how this is the powerful awareness of pre-spine. Let yourself quiver and roll and flex. Impulses travel from head to tail and back.
This is the first vertebral pattern. Lie still once again on your belly and fell the beginning of bones forming in your spine. Feel your limbs fill with bone out into your hands and feet. From your belly, gather your limbs under you by pulling in towards your navel using the support of starfish. Put yourself into a position where your head is on the floor and your buttocks is resting on your heels. Place your head on the floor so your buttocks will rise up off your heels and gently rock on your crown. Feel the yield into the floor through the head -gently push. Notice how this rocks the head on the spine. Push a bit more and release the energy all the way to the tail until you are sitting on your heels. Push with the head takes you tailward. Make sure the push travels through the belly of the spine through the center of the vertebral body and the vertebrae, not through the transverse or spinous processes. This means that your spine will have a full C curve and the opening of the C toward the floor. Practice this carefully, pausing when you lose the c curve. Practice until you can go head to tail, tail back to head in once smooth movement through the belly of the spine.
Pattern Support and Compensations
Now practice and experiment these patterns through crawling to walking. Remember the intention is to awaken ourselves deeper into the healthy body movements through space that may or may not have developed when you moved from Core Being to one cell-through birth-to walking.
NEXT – As you stand, notice how you can make eye contact…from your own authority.
— do you feel judged, if so – feel the pain and transform it and reconnect again like we did yesterday with the squares exercise.
– do you feel less than, abandoned? If so, take time to transform it.
NOW – reach out and touch someone’s shoulder. Feel the attachment pattern, neg. belief and transform it!
Sending love your way!