Student Class Content
Some of the science behind Transformational Life Skills Coaching (TLC) will be outlined this weekend. In addition, you will explore how you create your reality by following more conscious choice points. You will be able to experience directly that you are not your programmed personality, defenses or ego – yet you understand how these aspects can take choice away from you. So even if you make a mistake, or react in old unsupportive patterns, you never have to be a victim. You can use the challenge to learn, grow and incarnate more Core Being into physical form. (Quantum versus Newtonian worldview.) For instance, in this class you also have the opportunity to open to understand at a deeper level that your choice points create your reality where either: (1) Your old negative patterns repeat, or (2) You create a higher vibrational reality, incarnate more of your Core Being into human form and live with more synchronicity, effortlessness. Ease can flow abundantly.Also, this weekend, you can get the deeper skills to choose to embody the positive understanding:“I now understand the conundrum that I am both human and imperfect…yet spiritually whole and joyful. Living at the quantum level allows me to dissect the energy in the moment without ego. This detachment allows my vibration to stay high enough to feel and find the pain in the LVC. Then, with the 5 steps/skills/laws, presence and surrender, I consciously transform the LVC energy back to the HVC higher reality that is possible for me; and I return to resonating at my Core Being. Learning these skills is an expression of profound self-love and kindness.”
As you are the CEO of our own life and creations, you then can commit to moving through the Secret Code Formula (5 Steps/Skills/Laws and 3-Rings).- Begin to understand Steps 4 and 5 – what is transformation and how does it happen? As you master the skill of transforming your LVC sense of self and quantum reality to the HVC of Core Being and highest good, you create the highest frequency life you can! You can then move through many of the 10-Stages of Consciousness.
- Stage 4 of the 10 Stages is where transformation is possible (Step 5 It is where you begin to be able to hold two places at once – the place of LVC wound and the place of HVC wisdom and quantum wholeness.Victim consciousness and shame can prevent the mastery of this stage. Master the ability to identify your separated self when it comes in and deepen your ability to determine what is the internal pain that feeds this defense. For shame is just the hard defensive shell of someone feeling “not enough”. As you can help them and yourself lean into the pain of “not enough” shame can transform back to Core Being. Yet, if you stay in the shame and don’t go below the hard defensive shell into the meat of the pain, the shame can grow. The client will stay stuck, unable to own the embarrassment of imperfection. Let imperfection be your (your client’s) window back to wholeness. You are human afterall! Be kind to him or her.Now is the time you should be much more clear about when you are in defense and when in Core Being and more often you should be using your intention line to help you detach/individualize and differentiate between the two. It is your attachment system that clouds the clarity. Keep an eye on how it shapes your view of yourself, others and reality.Now is the time you should be much more clear about when you are in defense and when in Core Being and more often you should be using your intention line to help you detach/individualize and differentiate between the two.
- Teaching Clients Core Being/Intention Line, Energetic Safety Net, and review “This is Me, This is Not Me” Intervention. The beginning steps of teaching a client to self-identify as Core Being is very important. Intention line as male energy – Core Being as divine feminine energy and both together is wholeness, power, wisdom and is spirit incarnated into wholeness. And, combine this with teaching them the “This is me, This is Not Me” Intervention.
- This is me and Core Distortion Intervention Hands on and Off
- Working Multi-Dimensionally
- Taking Out The Trash
- Look Mom, No Hands!
- Healing Responses – 5 Character Structures
- Which System Holds the Truth?
- Assess each other’s character structure energetically
- Core distortion healing
- Master the interventions taught this week and deepen your understanding of the consciousness skills (EO, CB, Explorer’s Mind; 5 Steps/Skills/Laws)
- Can assess your own character structure and assess others as well.
- Can assess “Which System Holds the Truth” and bring the HVC of the system with the truth to melt the LVC of the distortion.
- Can use intention line so you are not defined by your pain.
- Can begin to work multi-dimensionally and hold many levels and dimensions at the same time.
- Can bring in HVC to melt LVC Core Distortion in the body.
- Can begin to interact and track where the Core Distortion is held, what is the emotion and belief and then track if it re-patterned and transformed in the cells, body, sense of self and mind.
- Can identify defense and separated self and detach and differentiate from it.
- Practice the techniques below and write up what feels easy/difficult about them.Assessing body language
Seeing or Sensing energy and shifts in consciousness
Seeing or sensing emotions and core distortions
Assessing energy with your hand
Seeing or sensing energy when someone is absent
Moving and tracking energy at the same time
Look mom, no hands! exercises
- Draw your Saboteur
- Power point
- Working Multi-Dimensional
- Character Structures/Personality Types Discussion/Laws
- Tracking Energy: What is your access point? What do you find difficult?
- Colors – Fun Exercise if you let the ego go!
- Science of why this works! Sand Demonstration showing transformation of sadness, gloom and insecurity to bliss and wisdom of Core Being.
Meditations Class 3
Central Channel Meditation and Healing Alignment Practice
Central Channel Realights for Power and Manifestation from Carolyn on Vimeo.
Core Being – Animation Of Its Energy
Core Being from Carolyn on Vimeo.
Due 4 Days before CLASS 4
Print Name; Class Number and Date on the top of each page and number each
1. Practice the following interventions: “This is me this is not me” “Which System Holds the Truth”, and also practice the “Core Distortion” Intervention. Write up only one of these with the full Intervention Write-up form to write it up. A few sentences per topic-not pages per topic, just the guts.
2. Read and answer questions for Chapters 9-11. Do any grey box exercises and write up a very short summary of what, if anything, you were able to take away from the exercises so you are able to raise your consciousness and more clearly see your gifts, transform your challenges and more consciously create your life.
Ideally review the books on the reading list that discuss attachment theory such as Attached, Wired for Love and Hold Me Tight. Keep working on completing the Recommended Reading list and as much of the suggested reading list as you want. Also, if you don’t have a degree in the mental health field, you must eventually complete the reading on Abnormal Psychology.
3. Practice Resonating at the 7 Levels of the Field (optional), Core Being, Multi-Dimensional Fabric, and Intention Line. Practice spinning the chakras (Front and Back). Then draw your energy fields.
4. Given your personality aspects, which clients/personality types will be easiest to work with and which personality types will be most difficult? Explain.
5. This exercise is very important. Spend a day using your Enlightened Observer (EO) to guide you. For instance, speak, walk and talk as you receive the energy of your EO sending you love and support. To the extent possible – do not let that inner judge be in charge or if it is in charge, call in your EO to help you come out of it. Write a brief summary of where it was easy and where you might need support.
6. This exercise is also very important. By now, you should have memorized the 5 steps/skills/laws. If not, do so ASAP. Then, practice working the 5 Laws, Steps and 5-Skills throughout your day, 100 times a day! Move out of defense as often as possible. Remember you are doing energetic weight lifting shifting consciousness levels from LVC to HVC. Use your Choice Points! Notice what ring you are creating your life from. Write a brief summary of where it was easy and where you might need support.
7. Practice “Taking Out the Trash” Intervention on yourself.
Book Questions Due Class 4
- Explain typical boundary configurations in the Aura and Manifest Energies of the five Character Types: Spiritual, Excel, Heart-Centered, Compassionate, and Leader. Also explain their boundary challenges.
- How can you tell if your boundaries have been invaded or if you have invaded someone’s boundaries?
- Do you know where you end and someone else begins? Explain why this can be confusing and what can be done to reduce confusion.
- Discuss when separate, healthy, and enmeshed boundaries may all be appropriate and when they become an unhealthy defense. Use your life examples when possible.
- List some negative beliefs that could support unhealthy boundaries.
- Is a more structured Auric Field (levels 1, 3, 5, 7) supportive of tight boundaries? Why?
What boundaries are appropriate between an American mother and her young child? How might the boundaries change when the
Chapter 10 Review Questions
1. What are the three rings of healing?
2. How do they help us shape shift our realities?
3. What five steps can we follow to more through the rings?
4. What steps might me hardest for you, based on your character structure’s negative defenses?
5. What solutions do you think you can follow to help you move through the 3 rings?
6. Which Me-B principals might be the most challenging, and which solutions can you follow to support yourself?
7. Why are relationships our best teachers?
8. What is most challenging about relationships?
9. Who heals us and why?
10. Write out a plan to support yourself so that moving through the 3 rings of healing becomes a healthy habit in your daily life.
Characterological transformation, the Hard Work Miracle, by Stephen M. Johnson
Explorer’s Mind – A Map to Freedom Chapters 9-11
Hanson, R. (2013).
Hardwiring happiness: The new brain science of contentment, calm, and confidence.
New York, NY: Crown Publishing Group.
Eden, D. (1999).
Energy medicine: Balancing your body’s energies for optimal health,
joy, and vitality.New York, NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam.
Fox, M. & Sheldrake, R. (2014).
The physics of angels: Exploring the realm where science and spirit meet.
New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
Hawkins, D. (2007).
Power vs. force: The hidden determinants of human behavior.
Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.
McTaggart, L. (2008).
The field: The quest for the secret force of the universe.
New York, NY: Harper.
Siegel, D. J. (2017).
Mind: A journey to the heart of being human.
New York NY: W. W. Norton & Company.
Mindell, A. (2004).
The quantum mind and healing: How to listen and respond to your body’s symptoms. Charlottesville,
VA: Hampton Roads Publishing.
Oschman, J. L. (2000).
Energy medicine: The scientific basis. London, United Kingdom:
Churchill Livingstone.
Renard, G. R. (2004).
The disappearance of the universe: Straight talk about illusions, past lives, religion, sex, politics and the miracles of forgiveness. Carlsbad,
CA: Hay House.
Whitmont, E. C. (1993).
The alchemy of healing. Berkeley,
CA: North Atlantic Books.
Wolinsky, S. (1993).
Quantum consciousness: The guide to experiencing quantum psychology.
North Bergen, NJ: Bramble Books.
Walker, E. H. (2000).
The physics of consciousness: The quantum mind and the meaning of life.
New York, NY: Perseus Books Group.
Characterological transformation,
the Hard Work Miracle,
by Stephen M. Johnson
- This is Me, This Is Not Me Intervention
- Which System Holds the Truth?
- Working Multi-Dimensionally
- Taking Out The Trash
- Healing Responses – 5 Character Structures
- Master the interventions taught this week and deepen your understanding of the consciousness skills (EO, CB, Explorer’s Mind; 5 Steps/Skills/Laws)
- Can assess your own character structure and assess others as well.
- Can assess “Which System Holds the Truth” and bring the HVC of the system with the truth to melt the LVC of the distortion.
- Can use intention line so you are not defined by your pain.
- Can begin to work multi-dimensionally and hold many levels and dimensions at the same time.
- Can bring in HVC to melt LVC Core Distortion in the body.
- Can begin to interact and track where the Core Distortion is held, what is the emotion and belief and then track if it re-patterned and transformed in the cells, body, sense of self and mind.
- Can identify defense and separated self and detach and differentiate from it.
- Working toward Secure Attachment as defined by being able to self-identify as your Core Being.
- You know you are internally safe, even when someone is mean, or you made a mistake
- When your ego is unsafe, you know you are still safe.
- When your child consciousness is unsafe, more and more you don’t let it be in charge of your safety. Instead, you parent those painful hurt parts, send them love and healing.
Watch the following Series of Videos Explaining the Science of Transformational Life-Skills Coaching (TLC)
Sand Sound Video – vibrational change from chaos to wholeness. (
This Next Video is About Understanding the Counseling Implications of the Sound Video
Watch this next video on Quantum Physics
Watch this Next Video to Understand the Counseling Implications of the Quantum Cartoon on Wave and Particles
Now Watch this What The Bleep Video on Quantum Reality
Watch this last video explaining how understanding the energy of the reality you create can support your work with clients!
Learn more, watch on!
Paint Demo on what is transformation
Webinar – Science of Spirituality
Quantum Reality Transforms into Magical Possibilities
Incarnation to Human Form
1. Guide them through the Core Being meditation beginning with asking them to expand outward to remember who they were, before birth. Explore the wholeness, the smell, colors, qualities, textures. Remind them if wholeness and oneness is like a symphony of notes, ask them to acknowledge their unique note in the universe of notes. Invite them to receive that energy through the top of their head and let is come down to meet the Core Being vortex.
Guide them through the Core Being expansion. Invite them to feel sensations and emotions of their Core Being (tingles and flows). If they can’t feel it do table work or physical movement.
2. Once they can feel/imagine the sensation and emotion of Core Being – ask them to self-identify as it. Here is the experience of Core Being this IS me!
3. Then ask them to notice where their false self or LVC is held and invite them to say – this is not me!
Spend time repeating #2 and 3 to help them really get a sense of their Core Being and what is not their Core Being.
4. Invite them to name three qualities of their Core Being and receive those energies deeply into the body. If there is time, you can do the Golden Shadow Intervention to deepen this experience for them.
5. Now Teach them the Intention Line. Use movement or balance to support them in this process.
– bird beaks into the lower tan tien and feel a red ball of light
– line down from that tan tien
– line to sole seat
– connecting heaven and earth
– strengthen
6. Explain the Core Being holds a loving feminine energy and Intention Line holds a more masculine balanced energy. The both together is true power of wholeness!
Invite them to practice these skills throughout the day as it creates enough HVC for them to eventually learn transformation.
Locate where the Core Distortion is held in the body and energy system. Always ask clients where they think, imagine or feel it is held. Sometimes they know and sometimes they think they know. If you are able to read it in the field, compare the information you receive with what the clients tells you. For the purposes of practicing this exercise on yourself, select a part of the body (such as your ankle) and work only there. Later, after you have had more practice scanning the body and locating where the LVC is held, you can go where your client (and/or you) assess the Core Distortion is located.
Assess what information is held in the Core Distortion and then energetically call in the positive opposite. So if the Core Distortion is, “I am powerless.” The HVC is, “I am powerful.” If the Core Distortion is fear, you bring in the consciousness of courage and strength. If the negative belief is “I am bad,
” you bring in the HVC of “I am good enough.” (See samples of negative/positive beliefs in Chapter 2.)
When you connect to the body and sense into the Core Distortion, the energy looks dark, thick and sticky like tar. It is held primarily on the 2nd and 4th levels of the Auric Field. It may feel prickly, hot and sticky to the touch.
As you collect more information on the Core Distortion, also ask the client to self-assess his or herself. If you feel clients are way off base in their self-assessment, let this information be diagnostic for how to proceed with them. Usually, if a client’s self assessment is extremely off base and incorrect, use this as an indicator that the client may not be ready to do deep work on this issue and you may need to go very slowly.
If you have a deep trusting relationship with him/her, you might be able to suggest that they could be misguided in their assessment. If not, it is best to always go slow. Begin in the area she identified and let the energy lead to where it needs to go next. Always follow the energy because it has the intelligence. No matter where in the body you start, if you just remain open and follow what the energy tells you, you will be on track.
Often when you think you know best, you can get in your own way. If you and the client are not sure where the Core Distortion is located in the body and energy system, then you can choose an area based on our best guess and once again follow what the energy tells you. The solar plexus is a good place to start. It is where your ego is held energetically and always has some Core Distortion trapped in the cells.
When you sense into the emotion, simply feeling mad, glad, sad, or fear is enough. You don’t have to be too specific in order to bring in the positive opposite HVC. Often clients won’t know what emotion/image/belief is held there. It takes practice. If they don’t know and you don’t know, then you can use intention to bring in the energy of Core Being. Core Being transforms anything willing to be transformed.
As you sense into an area, if the information you receive on the Core Distortion is different from what the client states, always go with what the client says.
Often as you bring in the HVC alternative, a client will notice what the real issue is and then they can adjust the type of HVC they receive into the area. Also, there are layers to Core Distortions. You may begin thinking it is one issue—but as you deepen into the experience, the energy may change to clarify what is asking to be transformed. This is why it is so important to follow the energy. Let it lead us toward transformation.
Review for Step 2:
- If you only identify an emotion instead of more specific information, that is often enough.
- It is OK if you don’t know details on the Core Distortion and just bring in the energy of HVC of Core Being.
- Remember to follow the energy.
When doing touch table work with clients, help them prepare their energy field for transformation by first charging below the location of the Core Distortion. Observe/sense how the LVC is linked to other body parts and to other energy systems. Observe/sense if charging the energy below shifted the LVC. If not, then place one hand above and one hand below the LVC and charge the field by bringing in higher vibrations. Once again observe how the LVC is linked to other parts of the body and to the client’s overall energy system.
Assess if you think another part of the body needs to be energetically cleared before the Core Distortion can clear. This takes experience and training. For instance, previously I discussed the order in which Core Distortions tend to clear. Usually, clients begin clearing in their heart area, then the diaphragm, then the solar plexus, and so on. If you are trying to clear something in their diaphragm, but the energy in their heart is shut down—stopping the flow from coming into the diaphragm—you might have to clear the heart and its Core Distortion first.
At this point, the Core Distortion might have already transformed. If not, you bring in the high vibrational consciousness of a positive image, belief or emotion. From Core Being, you place our hand over the particular Core Distortion and using intention, you bring in the energy of the positive alternative. Let that frequency flow out of our hand and into the client’s body. At the same time, the client too allows the positive alternative to come into their body. The client works with the TLS Practitioner. You don’t “do it to” the client. Usually you and the client feel the emotion/sensation of the negative and melt it away and then you can feel the emotion/sensation of the positive. Because our subconscious is so strong, ideally it is best to be able to feel both the emotion and sensation of the LVC being transformed into HVC.
So, using intention, you allow our hand and body to resonate with the HVC in the form of a positive image/belief/emotion and feel, sense, see the energy of higher consciousness move into the client’s field through their 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st levels of the field. Allow it to fill and resonate, transforming and then replacing the negative belief/image/emotion. Have the HVC fill the client’s levels of the field, especially the 1st level.
As you vibrate at the Core Being dimension and use your intention to bring in the energy of the positive alternative, you must continue to keep our own vibration high so you don’t merge and accidentally charge the LVC. Modulate your hand to the high vibration and slowly let it melt away the LVC. As your hand dissolves the LVC, breathe – and pull multi-dimensional energy infromTop/Bottom, Left/Right, and Front/Back so our frequency stays high enough for transformation to take place.
Explore again what is happening elsewhere in the field. As outlined earlier, sometimes if the heart chakra shuts down (or any area above the Core Distortion), this prevents energy flow into the Core Distortion so it can’t transform. This means the energy field is in defense and needs extra support. It could also mean that another Core Distortion is preventing the transformation. In this case, do Containment and explore what negative intention, separated self, ego or other Core Distortion is prohibiting transformation.
STEP 1: Identify where the Core Distortion is held in the body.
STEP 2: Identify the image, emotion or negative belief.
STEP 3: Identify the positive alternative.
STEP 4: Ask your client to place his/her hand (if possible), awareness and breath so they are in deep contact with the area. Using intention, allow your mind and body to resonate with the positive image/belief/emotion and feel, sense, see the energy of higher consciousness move into the client’s field through their 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st levels of the field. Allow it to fill and resonate, taking the place of the negative belief/image/emotion. Using intention, ask your client to do the same.
STEP 5: TLS Guide works with the client to invite the client’s Core Being energy to fill and expand into each cell in the client. Then, connect to the area and assess if it has been transformed. Ask the client to also connect and assess. If it has not been completely transformed do containment or if time permits, return to STEP 1 and identify the LVC left in the body. Ask what it needs to feel safe enough to transform. Bring in the energy and consciousness it needs to feel safe. Often all it needs is to be heard. Remove the need for it to transform and instead send it understanding, love and compassion.
How to Teach Your Client Core Being and Intention Line
Just as our house collects dust, our energy system collects energetic trash. Sometimes it is our own trash and sometimes it is trash we have picked up from someone else. We can also “volunteer” to help heal the pain of the Earth and take out its trash. Once I was processing deep grief and I knew it wasn’t my own. It moved from the Earth upward, was transformed in my belly area and then it moved back into the Earth. My supervisor and I watched amazed as I played conduit for transformation to help heal our Earth. Since then, I have seen others do the same.
We can assist ourselves and clients to identify when – for whatever reason — a session on “Taking out the Energetic Trash” is needed. Working cognitively on taking out the trash is usually counterproductive. All that is generally needed at the mind level is to label it trash.
This can be done either on or off the table:
- The Me-B guide and/or the client can identify where (energetically) the trash is being held, then
- have the client feel the sensations of it, and
- use any or all senses (visualization, taste, smell, intuition) to assist the trash in leaving the body.
Often the energy runs downward and out the bottoms of the feet/root chakra. Sometimes it will come out the back and the front of our body at the same time like steam comes off hot cement. Track, support its flow and release it. If it does not release, it may not be ready to release or there may be a negative intention preventing the flow outward. Be gentle and patient. I find most clients easily release the build up once they can name it as trash.
Step 1: Using the Body Connecting Sequence taught earlier – guide the client to feel sensations in the body starting at the top of the head and gently moving down. Ideally, ask them to focus on sensations. If they can’t feel sensations – get them up and do movement, jumping jacks – whatever can help them charge and expand their field so they are supported to feel body/energy sensations. If this still doesn’t work, then have them sense their body through the other senses such as visualization, taste, smell, intuition and direct knowing.
Step 2: As you guide them down the body, ask them to imagine, feel and surrender to let go of any dense energy or difficult emotion found there.
Step 3: Once you have guided the client down through the body, and the client has let the “negative” denser energy go into the earth – slowly guide the client back up and ask him to feel the good sensations of tingles and flows. Then have him self-identify the tingles and flows of HVC as their Core Being. If they can’t feel sensations still, then have them use their other senses such as visualization or direct knowing.
During the healing process, there will be times when the truth is held in one or two of the Me-B systems but not all three. For instance, sometimes we will speak what we think is the truth but our energy system says something completely different. Or, we can feel something somatically in our body, such as a pit in our stomach, but we have no idea what it may mean.
By simply using the strength of one system, we can help shift the others. Or by tuning into one system that is out of alignment, we can assess our shadow and learn more about our personal process, Core Distortion, defenses and/or Core Being.
Step 1:
Pick the system that has the highest HVC. If the mind knows you are whole, yet you are holding something in your third chakra that has LVC, let the HVC of the mind, transform the LVC in the third chakra.
Step 2:
Let the system that has the HVC shift the other systems with LVC.
Ned said everything was “okey dokey.” Ned always said that, but sometimes his energy system said he was angry, or uncomfortable, scared or sad. His mind told him one thing, but his body reacted otherwise. Which system held the truth? Was he really ok or not?
When one system is out of alignment, there is a message being delivered by the other system. We can find the message and then bring all three minds, energy and body systems back to balance.
When Ned tuned inside to listen to the message, it told him an old trauma had surfaced in his field. As Ned remembered the incident that happened when he was young, he once again said it really didn’t bother him. It wasn’t a big deal. I explained that just because his mind was fine, it didn’t mean his body was ok with what happened. I reminded him that our subconscious is held in the body and sometimes we have to listen to it and not just listen to our conscious mind. Skeptical but willing, Ned agreed to bring the HVC of his Enlightened Observer into his body/energy system and sense what was there.
Pictures of his past flashed across his mind screen. He then felt where the energy of the trauma was held in his body. We brought in the positive frequency that he was OK, deep into his cells to melt away the traumatic past.
Now when Ned senses his body is reacting negatively but his mind is reacting positively, he can use that positive energy from his mind, meet the LVC in his body and bring balance to all three systems-mind, energy and body.
Find a partner. Spend 10 minutes talking. One person acts as the Coach and one person acts as the client. The Coach tracks when the client’s field said something different from his/her words.
Then: Practice using the strongest system (often the mind) to help the other systems align.
And/Or: Practice sensing into your own three Me-B systems. Look for a personal shadow challenge and then determine which Me-B system holds the highest vibrational consciousness.
- If the strongest system is the mind then (1) connect to your 7th chakra (divine mind), (2) feel the positive energy/thoughts as a sensation in the body, (3) expand that energy throughout the body (4) focus only on the positive thoughts and sensations, (5) allow the body to shift.
- If the positive system is the energy system—connect to the chakras/energetic dimensions that hold the highest truth and then bring them into the body as positive sensations. Lastly, let the mind label them and “claim them” for the deeper truth they represent.
- If the body is the strongest system, focus on only the good sensations and let them spread to areas of low or no sensations until they replace any bad sensations. Then let the mind recognize the positive emotions and/or belief system that the sensations hold.
Practice letting the energy fill your client multi-dimensionally – Core Being, Multi-Dimentional Fabric of Interconnectedness, and the upper levels of the auric field.
- SPIRITUAL (schizoid):In response to the escape and withdrawal defense, resonate to their higher vibration so our field touches their field. Then, using intention, slowly bring our vibration back down to earth and them with us. Next, work with their nervous system so they balance and feel safe. The Neurological Upgrade and the Safety Net Interventions are helpful. In addition, support them with many of the other positive resourcing techniques taught, such as the BCS to help them reprogram safety, trust and learn to be present in their body. It is vital they learn how to feel sensations, flows of energy in their body and not just connect to the intellect. Feeling sensations of HVC must become a tangible, kinesthetic experience for the negative programming and terror to be overcome.
- COMPASSIONATE (oral):Begin by filling yourself up with Core Being, then includ and expand the multi-dimentional fabric to help them fill up. Since fear of abandonment is their key issue, sometimes using only the Core Being isn’t enough. Their attachment system often needs the multi-dimential fabric to fill them up because it is so big, they know they can never be abandoned!
Then, fill them up from your overflow. This process can happen for many sessions until eventually, we will have to wean them from us so they can learn how to fill themselves. When we make this transition and stop filling them up, they usually become very angry and lash out. The anger can then be used as the charge that helps them fill themselves up. In fact, this stage of them being angry is pivotal to them learning how to fill themselves. This helps their psyche differentiate and thus can help them discover who they are separate from another. Loneliness can become over whelming at this stage so helping them connect to their Core Being is important.
- LEADER (psychopath):Trust and safety is key. Vibrate our field at Auric levels 1 and 5 and bring this energy into the room to help them relax and feel more comfortable. Go slow and let the relationship develop. Their aggressive behavior brings aggression back to them at every turn. They want to prove we are wrong so they can feel correct. It is vital that we don’t return aggression with aggression. We can fill the lower part of our energy field with green energy when they attack us. Remember, the attack is a mask and underneath it is their terror. So, we must ground deep into the earth. In arguments, vibrations tend to escalate. Let them feel heard and see them for their true self, and not their anger. If this is a difficult Character Structure for us, then support ourselves with deep work so we keep healing our own defenses and trauma that is often triggered. Ultimately, we need to feel safe and trust ourselves at a very deep level so we don’t collapse, or attack back. Write down our defense that might be triggered when manipulated, controlled or attacked. Then do a Core Distortion intervention to support our healing.
- HEART‐CENTERED (masochist):A compassionate type person will take in all our suggestions; they will just always need more. However, Heart-Centered Types will reject everything we suggest. It is like they are trapped in a box. They can’t get out without our help, yet they can’t open to receive help. In other words, they can’t heal without us but all of our suggestions will be wrong. There is push-pull energy about them and they can make us feel like we are controlling them. They need a lot of space and they need to claim and express who they are so they feel free and independent. Don’t let them hook into us energetically. Even though they will try to get us to invade them, we must keep good boundaries. Don’t merge and don’t let them merge with us or hook into our third chakra. Bring the frequency of our field to their field’s frequency and then slowly move our field back until it touches only the edge of theirs. The goal is to help them feel their essence and to be complete yet separate from us. They must be come their own authority and not need us. They can learn to feel themselves without us and they can learn to release their anger and transform it into power.
- EXCEL (rigid):They need to learn how to feel their own Core Being. Because their field has so much structure, they are disconnected from their Core Being and their emotions. They can move out of the perfect movie of their life and into the truth in this world. Ultimately, help them reach the deeper truth of their Core Being. Resonate our Core Being and mirror their Core Being back to them so they can see it and experience it. Be the positive example they can follow, if they choose.
Use a teddy bear, healing table and invoke the energy of the person onto that area. Then follow the steps you would normally use as if the person were in the same room with you.
Doing long-distance work is a great way to practice sensing energy. It is easier long-distance because there is less transference to get in your way!
We all can use a gratitude bank to call upon when our reserves run dry. Following the energetic universal law that “what we focus on, grows.” As we focus on what we are grateful toward, we receive more things to feel grateful about. Gratitude is an action word. We need to show our gratitude and receive it daily so it grows.
As we can consciously notice, at least once a day, what we are grateful for, then that aspect of our life will improve. I have been practicing this for a few years now and I find the results life-changing.
We can train our Mind Energy‐Body System to resonate at higher and higher states of grace simply by focusing on gratitude. As we do this, there can be longer periods of time (within us, and around us) where life feels rich and complete. This is when everything seems to shine brighter as if God has touched it. Feelings of belonging fill our cells and we can see the perfection in every moment. Oprah speaks often about her “ah-hah” moments. This is what it feels like when we make enough deposits into our Gratitude Bank: a seemingly endless stream of “ah-hah” moments.
Gratitude delivers grace. Grace delivers inner peace and magical surprises that show up to support us. Some times the support shows up just in the knick of time! This is a perfect ritual to begin to implement when the energetic consciousness of “thankfulness” is abundant and strong such as on Thanksgiving Day!
- Step 1:List what you are currently feeling grateful for such as: a place to live, food, pet, or family. Be specific and realize that we can even feel grateful for a difficult challenge as it can teach us very needed lessons.If you are having trouble finding something to feel grateful toward, consider that simply living in the United States is a blessing. I often travel to less affluent nations such as Africa and Asia. When I am in these countries, I am painfully aware of the harshness many citizens must endure. I see or hear of starving children and girls being given to older men to abuse and quickly, my problems shrink in comparison.So, a valid place to begin this meditation can be to focus on feeling grateful for living in a country of opportunity. Whatever you chose to list as the topic areas you feel thankful for, be as specific as possible.
- Step 2:Feel the energy of gratitude as a sensation and emotion in the body. Focus, one at a time, on where in the body you can feel it and surrender to receive it even stronger.Then move to the next item.
- Step 3:Now list the events, items, and topics you wish to feel gratitude toward. One at a time, feel the energy of gratitude toward these topic areas as if they have already manifested. Remember to feel them as a sensation and emotion in the body. Focus on where in the body you can feel it and surrender to receive it even stronger.
- Step 4:If you feel the energy or sensation of a negative belief or emotion that might prevent your intentions from manifesting, be aware of that issue. Write the issue, emotion or negative belief down so later you can receive support to transform that lower vibrational consciousness (LVC) into higher vibrational consciousness (HVC) so that challenge transforms into a deeper connection to your wholeness, worthiness and Core Being. Then go back to noticing where in your body you can receive the positive sensations/emotions of it having already manifested. Remember, what you focus on grows! So please focus on where you can receive the sensations of energy that holds high vibrational consciousness and let them grow through surrender, acceptance and seeing the perfection in the moment. You intentions of what you want to manifest will come in the “right” and perfect time as you allow yourself to be grateful for what you can do, while trusting the rest is coming-perfectly timed!
- Step 5:Send yourself unconditional love and gratitude for who you are now and who you are becoming. And if you feel motivated, call a friend/family member or tell a pet, how much they mean to you. Lastly, align so every day you deposit some energy into your gratitude bank!
Anytime we release LVC from our Me-B system it is important to plant the flowers of HVC and Core Being in its place. Just as a newly tilled field will eventually fill with weeds if no flowers are planted, our energy system will return to our old baseline if we don’t plant anew with HVC. Spend time filling your cells with Core Being so the weeds of LVC don’t take sprout. Also, do the BCS on feeling positive sensations to “plant” the seeds of Core Being.