Student Class 4 Content
“As we awaken, we discover how to let go of our false self and live from Core Being. To do this we use our Enlightened Observer (EO). It becomes the good enough mom and the unconditional love and acceptance we have always wanted. It can be our external secure attachment, when we are in need. And, as we open to let it in, it helps us re-connect to our true Core Being essence!” Four sources of anger: 1) anger in the present 2) past anger 3) rightous anger 4) anger we take on from another
“I was born to make mistakes, not to fake perfection.” ~DrakeAs you let the EO become the inner healer to your inner child, you truly embrace the skill of self-love. Without this, transformation is not possible!
As you are the CEO of our own life and creations, you then can commit to moving through the Secret Code Formula (5 Steps/Skills/Laws and 3-Rings). In this class, focus on bringing the Enlightened Observer in as a sensation and emotion in the body. Track when it has enough HVC to transform. Also begin to track the vibrational frequency of the energy in your mind as you bring your mind into the body. Feel how transforming anger to power can help you regulate the frequency of your mind to a higher vibration to facilitate transformation of pain to power. For instance, if you want to manifest something, discover how the power embeded in the energy of anger, when it is transformed, can help you manifest your higher good. Also, explore how in the manifestation process, sometimes divine timing takes a role in “when” and “how” the manifestation happens. In other words, “you don’t always get what you want!”When your manifestation does NOT happen, how can you surrender and “swim down stream” and open to the other possibilities that can arise that can lead you into a clear direction when you don’t let anger or collapse get in the way?
And, as always, let yourself explore how the mind’s vibrational energy can support transformation or does the mind merge with the LVC energy of the pain and become it, even spread it?bExpand your ability to master Stage 4 (Holding Two Paces at Once).
- EO can be assessed and used more tangibly so the pain of life transforms to wisdom and wholeness
- Sense the client’s EO
- Feel more confident/trust about your tracking and assessment skills
- Can feel self-love as a sensation and emotion in the body
- Can repeat the 5-Steps/Skills/Laws without looking at it in printed form
- Can facilitate a HVC shift of energy without touching a client
- Mastering Interventions and deepening of consciousness and self-regulation skills
- A) Practice talking about the client’s relationship to anger. How do they use it to help them in their life. How do they use it in a negative way that creates more pain in their life. Are they better at feeling sadness or anger more easily. Role of gender in how anger is judged. How has anger hurt them in their past? For instance, has it created a core distortion that needs healing? Explain how anger transforms to power or why it doesn’t transform and it just loops or stays suppressed. Also explain that as long as they have a limbic system, there is anger in their system. So if they don’t ever feel it, it is not because it doesn’t exist. It just is probably stuffed down. Four sources of anger: 1) anger in the present 2) past anger 3) righteous anger 4) anger we take on from another. B)Anger transformation
- Review of Trauma Core Distortion Healing
- Exploring Radical Intuition
- Sensing energy when someone is absent
- Sensing emotions and beliefs
- Assessing Subconscious Shifts
- Assessing if positive resourcing happened
- Working multi-dimensionally
- Was it easier to help the client bring in the vibration or do it yourself. How might your personality trait and the personality trait of the client determine your experience in this manner?
- How might your personality trait be an asset in this experience?
- Did you share too much? Why or Why not?
- What was easy/difficult? Why?
- What would you do different next time? Why?
- What would you do again?
- What does it mean if the distortion did not shift?
- Any transference/projections come up?
Zoom Webinar
Anger Meditation
MEB Anger Meditation
Power Sources
Sexually Energies Meditation
- EO can be assessed and used more tangibly so the pain of life transforms to wisdom and wholeness
- Sense the client’s EO
- Feel more confident/trust about your tracking and assessment skills
- Can feel self-love as a sensation and emotion in the body
- Can repeat the 5-Steps/Skills/Laws without looking at it in printed form
- Can facilitate a HVC shift of energy without touching a client
- Mastering Interventions and deepening of consciousness and self-regulation skills
- Neurological Upgrade (if not taught class 3)
- Core Distortion Intervention
- Connecting to Guides, tracking energy, reading words from the field
- Tracking the Enlightened Observer in a Client and Tracking Transformation
- Can receive self-love as a sensation and emotion in the body.
- Sensing energy when someone is absent,
- Sensing emotions and beliefs
- Assessing Subconscious Shifts
- Assessing if positive resourcing happened
- Facilitating an HVC shift of energy in client without touch
- Working multi-dimensionally
Tracking Energy
Enlightened Observer – Skill 4
History Body Centered work and of This work…
Are you Taking on Someone Else’s Energy?
(1) Help your client assess where anger is held in their body/energy system.
(2) Uncover its source of the anger.
Is it your anger, anger you took from someone else, anger from your past or “just” anger? Not even “just” anger should be held onto, because holding on to any energy distorts it, lowers our consciousness and separates us from Core Being. This is when our Separated Self takes charge and prevents us from achieving our highest good. We can listen to just anger and take appropriate action to improve our lives and we can shift the anger to power.
(3) Help your client receive the message of wisdom anger always brings—it often relates to a boundary issue or some unfairness of the past we can’t accept and move through.
(4) Then, using the HVC of your clients Enlightened Observer and their intention line, support them to feel the emotion of anger as a sensation in the body and let it transform and return you to Core Being. You may need to let them cycle from sadness to anger. You might have them balance on the ball to self-regulate or do any of the other exercises so they don’t loop in the anger.
Also, remind them to stay in the intention line.
(5) Allow the anger to transform to wisdom and personal power (as both an emotion and sensation).
NOTE: If it is too hard for them to feel the sensation of the anger, suggest they feel free to imagine the sensation of it, picture what they are angry at, and with positive intention feel and visualize the energy of the Enlightened Observer come into their field and transform the anger.
Anger transformed becomes personal power, wisdom, positive intention and positive action so we support/protect our self in a healthy manner. This helps us make our future free and clear of our negative past programming.
NOTE: If we only touch the emotion, but don’t transform it, we loop and charge the anger, miss the wisdom and can even hurt our self or others. So don’t let them loop or charge the anger.
Practice so you discover the difference among:
- “charging the energy of anger or
- looping in anger” and/or
- “discharging the anger so it can be balanced enough for transformation.”
Also practice the following skill sets:
- strengthening the clients enlightened observer and intention line through non-touch techniques; and
- expanding the 2nd and 4th levels of their field so they can more easily feel an emotion.
Learning how to help a client feel an emotion is key. Yet there needs to be balance too so they feel it but don’t get overwhelmed by it. This is a crucial distinction rarely recognized by many but it is very important. Your job is to help your client access the anger (connect to it) and discharge it, not to charge the anger and loop in it. If you don’t feel more empowered and less angry, then they have failed to transform it.
Depending upon our or our client’s personality type, we may find our self hooked into a power source other than that of our highest good. A Compassionate personality type may hook into someone else for power, a politician or performer may hook into the audience for their power, and an addict will hook into a drug.
Even junk food can become an unhealthy power source for us. Knowing what power sources you are connecting to can help you understand what dependencies you may be cultivating. It can also help you understand what negative beliefs are/have developed and what traps you may be creating for yourself in your life.
Career, family, friends and our partners support us, but if they fall short, leave or die, we need to open to consistent internal support. It is essential to mastering the 3 Skills of Adult Consciousness: giving love, receiving love and giving love to self even when we would rather receive.
Step 1: Ask your client to notice what proportion of the day they are aligned to their own Core Being and/or Universal Energy as their power source.
Step 2: Help them notice how often, in times of stress, they rely on unhealthy external power sources. List those power sources.
Step 3: Discover what is the “pain” that needs to be transformed so instead of going to an unhealthy external power source, they feel the internal pain and transform it back to Core Being. It is vital they feel the pain they are trying to escape if they are to give up numbing and using unhealthy power sources.
Step 4: Help them feel CB as both a sensation and emotion in the same location in the body that held the “pain.”
Free movement/dance expression, punching bag, yoga, weight lifting, and many other exercises can also be used to shift anger or any challenging emotion. Whatever physical activity we enjoy (hiking, biking, yoga) can be adapted to help us shift out of a negative emotion and back to Core Being. I teach Trinity, an exercise class where students get a great physical workout as they transform energetic and emotional challenges.
Step 1: Find a physical exercise or movement (yoga…) to help them shift the energy of anger. Remember the following tips/rules:
(1) Take breaks in-between sets to make sure they don’t charge the anger. For instance, when hitting a pillow or punching bag I usually don’t let myself or my clients hit more than 6-10 times without stopping and feeling the sensation of energy in their body. Hitting creates a charge, but pausing to take in the energy from that charge into the cells is vital. They can harvest it deep within them to balance their field.
(2) It is important to notice if the energy and sensations in the body are evenly distributed. If the energy is mostly in just the upper body or just the lower body, then transformation has not been complete.
(3) Assess whether the emotion(s) have lessened or increased. If the energy of the challenging emotion has increased, and we have done at least four sets, it could mean that their Enlightened Observer is not strong enough, and they are not holding a strong Intention Line toward healing. If this happens, they can connect to the consciousness in their body with the Explorer’s Mind to investigate if there is a negative belief, ego and/or negative intention preventing the transformation.
(4) Sometimes they need to discharge anger before it will transform. It is like a volcano needing to blow its top off before the lava will flow. Assess if a discharge of anger is needed—and be careful to discharge, instead of looping and recycling the same anger over and over again. Recycling the same anger usually happens when they are in negative intention because they can’t accept the past and move forward. Straightening their Enlightened Observer and Intention Line will help with this.
(5) Since it is intention/connection that moves energy (physical touch is not necessary), when hitting a pillow or an object, don’t intend the pillow to be anyone in particular. For instance, if they want to process their anger about their father and, as they are hitting the pillow, (or whatever) they are thinking they are hitting him, then they are energetically sending hitting energy at him. Instead, they can align the Intention Line to release the anger about him and any LVC they took on from him. And, remember to never let them intend to hit or hurt another-release and move forward.
Any of the previous exercises can be used to bring the energy of anger into anxiety and reconnect us back to Core Being. Then, follow the steps outlined below:
(1) First, help your client charge their field and expand it using any of the techniques already taught. Fill the central channel with strength.
(2) Connect to your Manifest Energy and Enlightened Observer and make them strong. And then help the client do the same.
(3) Locate where the anxiety is strongest in the body-usually the heart or stomach. If the only place they sense it is in the head, then find a different place that is lower in the body to focus on. This is because focusing on the head could bring too big a charge into it and could result in a headache. Also, it could cause the client to dissociate, and lose their grounding. Regulate your field so you help them!
(4) Next, help the client find where in their mind/body they can tap into the energy of anger (such as the pelvis). It helps if you guide them to think of something that makes them mad, such as 9/11; global warming or something personal in their life. Let the energy of anger expand throughout the lower body and let it blend and mix with the anxiety. Regulate your field so you help them!
(5) As you do this, help your client engage their intention for the anger to transform to strength and melt away the anxiety. Ask them to breath, expand and let it melt. Breath, expand and let it melt.
(6) As they melt away the anxiety with the now converted energy of strength, help them invite the HVC of Core Being to grow. Regulate your field so you help them!
Copyright 2011 Mind Energy Body School of Transformation
How to Transform Anger
Toys and Transformation
Locate where the Core Distortion is held in the body and energy system. Always ask clients where they think, imagine or feel it is held. Sometimes they know and sometimes they think they know. If you are able to read it in the field, compare the information you receive with what the clients tells you. For the purposes of practicing this exercise on yourself, select a part of the body (such as your ankle) and work only there. Later, after you have had more practice scanning the body and locating where the LVC is held, you can go where your client (and/or you) assess the Core Distortion is located.
Assess what information is held in the Core Distortion and then energetically call in the positive opposite. So if the Core Distortion is, “I am powerless.” The HVC is, “I am powerful.” If the Core Distortion is fear, you bring in the consciousness of courage and strength. If the negative belief is “I am bad,
” you bring in the HVC of “I am good enough.” (See samples of negative/positive beliefs in Chapter 2.)
When you connect to the body and sense into the Core Distortion, the energy looks dark, thick and sticky like tar. It is held primarily on the 2nd and 4th levels of the Auric Field. It may feel prickly, hot and sticky to the touch.
As you collect more information on the Core Distortion, also ask the client to self-assess his or herself. If you feel clients are way off base in their self-assessment, let this information be diagnostic for how to proceed with them. Usually, if a client’s self assessment is extremely off base and incorrect, use this as an indicator that the client may not be ready to do deep work on this issue and you may need to go very slowly.
If you have a deep trusting relationship with him/her, you might be able to suggest that they could be misguided in their assessment. If not, it is best to always go slow. Begin in the area she identified and let the energy lead to where it needs to go next. Always follow the energy because it has the intelligence. No matter where in the body you start, if you just remain open and follow what the energy tells you, you will be on track.
Often when you think you know best, you can get in your own way. If you and the client are not sure where the Core Distortion is located in the body and energy system, then you can choose an area based on our best guess and once again follow what the energy tells you. The solar plexus is a good place to start. It is where your ego is held energetically and always has some Core Distortion trapped in the cells.
When you sense into the emotion, simply feeling mad, glad, sad, or fear is enough. You don’t have to be too specific in order to bring in the positive opposite HVC. Often clients won’t know what emotion/image/belief is held there. It takes practice. If they don’t know and you don’t know, then you can use intention to bring in the energy of Core Being. Core Being transforms anything willing to be transformed.
As you sense into an area, if the information you receive on the Core Distortion is different from what the client states, always go with what the client says.
Often as you bring in the HVC alternative, a client will notice what the real issue is and then they can adjust the type of HVC they receive into the area. Also, there are layers to Core Distortions. You may begin thinking it is one issue—but as you deepen into the experience, the energy may change to clarify what is asking to be transformed. This is why it is so important to follow the energy. Let it lead us toward transformation.
Review for Step 2:
- If you only identify an emotion instead of more specific information, that is often enough.
- It is OK if you don’t know details on the Core Distortion and just bring in the energy of HVC of Core Being.
- Remember to follow the energy.
When doing touch table work with clients, help them prepare their energy field for transformation by first charging below the location of the Core Distortion. Observe/sense how the LVC is linked to other body parts and to other energy systems. Observe/sense if charging the energy below shifted the LVC. If not, then place one hand above and one hand below the LVC and charge the field by bringing in higher vibrations. Once again observe how the LVC is linked to other parts of the body and to the client’s overall energy system.
Assess if you think another part of the body needs to be energetically cleared before the Core Distortion can clear. This takes experience and training. For instance, previously I discussed the order in which Core Distortions tend to clear. Usually, clients begin clearing in their heart area, then the diaphragm, then the solar plexus, and so on. If you are trying to clear something in their diaphragm, but the energy in their heart is shut down—stopping the flow from coming into the diaphragm—you might have to clear the heart and its Core Distortion first.
At this point, the Core Distortion might have already transformed. If not, you bring in the high vibrational consciousness of a positive image, belief or emotion. From Core Being, you place our hand over the particular Core Distortion and using intention, you bring in the energy of the positive alternative. Let that frequency flow out of our hand and into the client’s body. At the same time, the client too allows the positive alternative to come into their body. The client works with the TLS Practitioner. You don’t “do it to” the client. Usually you and the client feel the emotion/sensation of the negative and melt it away and then you can feel the emotion/sensation of the positive. Because our subconscious is so strong, ideally it is best to be able to feel both the emotion and sensation of the LVC being transformed into HVC.
So, using intention, you allow our hand and body to resonate with the HVC in the form of a positive image/belief/emotion and feel, sense, see the energy of higher consciousness move into the client’s field through their 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st levels of the field. Allow it to fill and resonate, transforming and then replacing the negative belief/image/emotion. Have the HVC fill the client’s levels of the field, especially the 1st level.
As you vibrate at the Core Being dimension and use your intention to bring in the energy of the positive alternative, you must continue to keep our own vibration high so you don’t merge and accidentally charge the LVC. Modulate your hand to the high vibration and slowly let it melt away the LVC. As your hand dissolves the LVC, breathe – and pull multi-dimensional energy infromTop/Bottom, Left/Right, and Front/Back so our frequency stays high enough for transformation to take place.
Explore again what is happening elsewhere in the field. As outlined earlier, sometimes if the heart chakra shuts down (or any area above the Core Distortion), this prevents energy flow into the Core Distortion so it can’t transform. This means the energy field is in defense and needs extra support. It could also mean that another Core Distortion is preventing the transformation. In this case, do Containment and explore what negative intention, separated self, ego or other Core Distortion is prohibiting transformation.
STEP 1: Identify where the Core Distortion is held in the body.
STEP 2: Identify the image, emotion or negative belief.
STEP 3: Identify the positive alternative.
STEP 4: Ask your client to place his/her hand (if possible), awareness and breath so they are in deep contact with the area. Using intention, allow your mind and body to resonate with the positive image/belief/emotion and feel, sense, see the energy of higher consciousness move into the client’s field through their 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st levels of the field. Allow it to fill and resonate, taking the place of the negative belief/image/emotion. Using intention, ask your client to do the same.
STEP 5: TLS Guide works with the client to invite the client’s Core Being energy to fill and expand into each cell in the client. Then, connect to the area and assess if it has been transformed. Ask the client to also connect and assess. If it has not been completely transformed do containment or if time permits, return to STEP 1 and identify the LVC left in the body. Ask what it needs to feel safe enough to transform. Bring in the energy and consciousness it needs to feel safe. Often all it needs is to be heard. Remove the need for it to transform and instead send it understanding, love and compassion.
Tracking a Client’s Enlightened Observer