The following Golden Shadow resourcing intervention provides methods to help us (or clients) claim their Core Being and golden shadow. They can also be used to alter the Rhythm of Flow of energy and transfer it to a higher vibration away from dark emotional material. Our Golden Shadow is our Core Being. It is the part of our Core Being we haven’t yet discovered. I believe an infinite amount of our Core Being is available for us to discover. Every year I open to receive a little bit more and I am amazed at what I find, what we all can find if we just open to receive it. After all, we are already, in our essence, fully enlightened — we just aren’t always connected to our enlightened state.
Adapting or gently implementing any one of the energetic meditations, interventions and exercise techniques already introduced can also be helpful. Be in the moment, trust guidance, and you will know which technique(s) you need in the moment to support yourself or your clients.
Core Being/Golden Shadow Dialogue Intervention Techniques
To begin, make a list that describes your Core Being and golden shadow. This is usually a difficult task for most people, especially if they are only at Stage 1, 2, or 3 of Me-B TransformationTM. If we can’t do it ourselves, we can ask people we love to help us, and/or we can look at the core qualities of people we admire; what we admire most in others is usually in us, just hidden. (The opposite is true too: What we judge in others tends to also be part of our dark shadow.)
Often we need to help clients come up with words that describe their Core Being. It is a dimension of truth, yet too often clients have yet to experience this dimension. Negative ego, self-judgments and cultural issues keep us separated. Through this dialogue intervention, the Me-B therapist helps the client move out of the personality level and opens them up to the energetics of their Core Being dimension. It is the dimension of the deepest reality.
Using a stream of consciousness technique, have the client speak whatever comes into his/her mind, or draw a picture of his/her golden shadow/Core Being. Once a list of about ten descriptive words has been generated, with the client either lying on a table or sitting in a chair, the Me-B guide follows these steps. (You can also do this on yourself. Never use the technique on someone else unless you have mastered it yourself.)
(1) The Me-B guide connects to the Core Being dimension and brings the energy into the room, filling it.
(2) Being aware of the energetics of her voice, The Me-B Guide calls off one word at a time from the list. Speak into the Core Being vortex and speak it three times.
(3) The timing of the words should be called so they support the Rhythm of Flow of energy. We need to make sure we don’t go too slowly or too quickly, or the client won’t have time to take the frequency of the words into their body/energy system. If need be, have them speak the word out loud as well.
(4) Guide the energy of the word in like a funnel into the Core Being vortex.
(5) The Me-B guide works with the client to help them take the vibration of the words into their Core Being Dimension. The client is encouraged to feel the vibration, visualize it, and use all senses to experience the truth of who they are. It is important to assess if the energy has been absorbed or not. Keep practicing reading your own energy field and that will help you read another’s field. Once the Core Being vortex is full, let the HVC spread throughout the body (front/back, top/bottom, left/right). It is important to track exactly where it fills and where a client’s defenses prevent it from filling each and every cell. For instance, did it fill 50 percent or 70 percent? You don’t necessarily have to tell the client to the extent it fills but at least ask them what they think is true. If they don’t know or if they say it filled everywhere but it only filled a little bit then you know they have some deeper work to do down the line on facing their unhealthy defenses and ego.
Energetics of Table Work/Chair Work
If the client is on a table, the Me-B Guide places one hand on the second chakra and the other on the third chakra. The guide lets his/her Core Being dimension resonate to the level of the client’s Core Being and to the words. This creates an energetic vortex so that the energy of the words can penetrate more deeply into the cells. If the client is in a chair, the Me-B Guide does the same process except his/her hands are not touching the client.
If we, or our client, cannot absorb the higher frequencies of this Intervention, usually it means the negative ego is in control. It may also mean that a part of the client is in negative intention. Patience, practice and patience! — I have never had a client that didn’t eventually succeed.
Follow this basic energy sequence to clear and balance a client’s energy field. This can be done while they stand, sit or lie on a massage table.
Place your hands following the format outlined below.
Begin by doing the Core Being Meditation on yourself to prepare your field. Resonate at your Core Being (to the extent possible) front, back; top, bottom; left, right of your whole physical body.
Resonate Core Being everywhere: in your organs, tissues, cells, bones, bone marrow and outer energy egg.
Begin by connecting to the client energetically with your mind and notice if they feel safe with your contact.
Then, with your hands (resonating at Core Being) and your divine Core Being mind deeply within the client’s body – you can place your hands into the client’ body as outlined in the hands-on sequence.
Align for your Core Being to resonate and awaken/meet their Core Being frequency and allow the energy to expand.
Your Core Being, meets their Core Being. This a space and time of divine honoring. Notice this.
It is divine presence of source that creates the energetic charge! Presence and deep connection is what expands the Core Being energy field – coupled with deep alignment to surrender to the highest good to move through you.
You will be using your dominant energy hand. Your dominant energy hand (usually the hand you write with) is the one that is placed on the lower side of the body. You stand to the side of the table that allows that dominant hand to be on the bottom of the foot as outlined in the video.
- Place hands on the bottoms of feet and awaken Core Being. Them move to the side of the table. Place dominant hand on bottom of the foot nearest you; non-dominant hand on knee. Energetically connect deeply with Core Being to Core Being.Feel the love, wholeness and keep your HVC mind in the clients body. Then notice the awakening happen. It might feel like a sparkler being lit or an expansion.
- Dominant hand on bottom of the foot farthest from you; non-dominant hand on knee. Energetically connect deeply with Core Being to Core Being. Feel the love and let the energy flow.
- Dominant hand on knee and non-dominant hand on hip. Energetically connect deeply with Core Being to Core Being. Feel the love and let the energy flow.
- Dominant hand on knee farthest from you; non-dominant hand on hip. Energetically connect deeply with Core Being to Core Being. Feel the love and let the energy flow.
- One hand on each hip.
- Dominant hand between the knees awakening the 1st chakra; non-dominant hand on the 2nd chakra.
- Dominant hand on 2nd chakra; non-dominant hand on 3rd chakra. Energetically connect deeply with love and let the energy flow. Energetically connect deeply with Core Being to Core Being. Feel the love and let the energy flow.
- Dominant hand on 3rd chakra; non-dominant hand on 4th chakra. Energetically connect deeply with Core Being to Core Being. Feel the love and let the energy flow.
- Dominant hand on 4th chakra; non-dominant hand on 5th chakra. Energetically connect deeply with Core Being to Core Being. Feel the love and let the energy flow.
- One hand on each shoulder as we stand at the head of the client. Energetically connect deeply with Core Being to Core Being. Feel the love and let the energy flow.
- Now, bring your HVC mind into their toes as you stand with your hands on their shoulders. And, with your mind awaken Core Being. Slowly move up from the toes, to the feet, ankles, lower legs, knee, thighs, hips – then up the trunk of the body, pausing where you feel it is needed – until you are back up to where your hands are touching the body.(Note, do one foot, then the other, one ankle, and then the other – so the energy is balanced equally on each side. Do not do one leg then move to the other.)
- Before you end the intervention, notice if there is an area of the client’s body that might need more support. If so, move from the shoulders, to those areas needing extra love and awakening.
Notice what happens within the client’s field and yours. Track where the client’s frequency is awakened and where it is left dormant.
Areas where it is left dormant, first try awakening your frequency, in your body more deeply and track if their field shifts or how it shifts from this. If there is no shift, track what is the negative belief or core distortion held there and interact with the client in a manner to help them shift it. For instance, they may be in defense. Can you help them out of defense and to remember their true light.
In subsequent trainings you can learn more about how to interact with a client so their field is better supported to awaken to the Core Being frequency.
Bring your awareness to the client’s toes as you have one hand on each shoulder. Invite Core Being to fill the client.
Remember to keep your mind at HVC.
If you mind is not in the client’s body, it can’t help awaken wholeness.
Connect mind and hands deep into the bone marrow. Notice how deeply you can connect and explore if you can support yourself in a manner so you can connect deeper.
Some people believe it is intention that moves energy. Actually it is more complicated. It is the relationship and the depth of connection that supports energy transformation.
Yes, you need positive intention. Yet if you are not deeply connected to yourself and then to your client, there will be less flows of awakening. Also, if your client is in defense, and not open, there will be less transformation.
Throughout the intervention it is a great idea to track the energy in your client and then also take time to track the energy in your field too. If you need to pause the intervention and spend some time awakening Core Being in your field and then return to the intervention. That is normal. Go slow, have fun and play with it!
Notice what happens within the client’s field and yours. Track where the client’s frequency is awakened and where it is left dormant.
In areas where it is left dormant, first try awakening your frequency in your body more deeply and track if their field shifts or how it shifts.
If there is no shift, track and explore until you discover the negative belief or Core Distortion held there.
Then interact with the client in a manner to help them shift it. For instance, they may be in defense. Can you help them out of defense and into remembering their true light?
Some people believe it is intention that moves energy, but it’s actually more complicated. It is the relationship and depth of connection that support energy transformation. Yes, you need positive or aligned intention. Yet if you are not deeply connected to yourself and also deeply connected to your client, there will be less flows of awakening.
Also, if your client is in defense and not open, there will be less transformation.
Throughout the intervention it is a great idea to track the energy in your client and then also take time to track the energy in your field too.
Notice if you need to pause the intervention and spend time awakening Core Being in your field and then return to the intervention.
If so, that’s normal. Go slow, have fun and play with it!