Student Class Content
Dreams, Archetypes and Ancestral Confluence
Healing unhealthy ancestral and archetypical energies to create a consciousness shift throughout your lineage. To be successful, it is about revealing the subconscious saboteur within you. Discover your negative saboteur archetype and your positive higher-self archetype. - 5 STEPS/SKILLS and 10 STAGES SELF-MASTERYThis week, begin to master more of the qualities of Stage 7, where you can feel alone and empty but not BE alone, because you have YOU! This is because you love yourself unconditionally. So, even if your partner “dumps” you, you can feel safe and at home within your self. Bring in the archetype of the healed healer to assist you in this process so you don’t ever go to victim or shame. As you transform and remove your ancestral and lineage unhealthy wiring, you awaken to a new and more whole sense of self. (Review this video on shame again:
- Master the ability to notice and transform your unhealthy archetypes and embrace the healthy archetypes.
- Begin to see your unhealthy ancestral energy patterns. Which chakras to they block, where are they held in the body, what are the negative beliefs, and what is your life task related to healing them.
- As you master the ability to feel, sense and assess where they are held in the body/mind/energy system…also begin to master the ability to transform their LVC to HVC so you embody their gifts and not their trials.
- Archetype Transformation
- Ancestral Lineage Transformation
- Energy Transformation of Dreams
- Explore how to call a client on the table in defense to invite them to come out.
- How to you better own your own defenses, so you don’t spread the pain around?
- How to guide a client into HVC
- Background on Dreams, Archetypes and Ancestral Confluence
- Dream Work
- Demonstration on Ancestral Wire Interventions
- More work on Ancestral/Dreams/Archetypes
- Case Examples of Archetypes/Ancestral Interventions
Friday November 14, 2008
Come in: do a body scan starting at the top of the head. Physically,emotionally,mentally,physical.
Scanning thru whole body, vpc/chakra-spinning? Hooked into central chanell, are3y they holding anything? Imagine archetype for the chakras.what positive vibrations can you invite in.imagine..
Throat-what emotions. Show does it hook in? what archetype can support throat chakra?it’s about being your own attourity. About is blue/greetn is green.about not need somebodies love to know you are whole/
Coming down to shoulders? What’s happening here.energetically.somatically.coredistrotions?beliefs?what’s here know?
Coming into your heart-front and back/what’s here now? How does it hook in? what archetype could support you here in the heart chakra.
Coming into solar plexus. front an dback..what’s here now? The mid bacxk the midbelly. The vortice for the core star. Self assessing down thru the second chakra. Whole pelvic,glute.pelvis-sexual organs
The thighs/knees/lower legs. What’s here now.. feet/
Bring to mind an area that is holding..imagine any ancestral cords where is in in your body. Imagine a cord.. whre it is in your body.. follow this cord, what part of your lineage is it? Let images coming to you.. what are your believes in the ancestral energy that are asking to receive the light. What is the positive archetype that could help that transform? Since some of you are already doing it, resourse that positive archetype to help transform it.. connecting breathe with awareness, keep breathing, drawing in more light to that part of the body, deep into to cellular structure.. feel it in your dna/microtubule /muscles.thru your auric field. Let the light come in. let there be no resitance. Let these new vibrations enter deeply into your bones/cells/tissues/ smell-know-feel it in you knowing the connection to the divine./ let this run thru your auric dimension. With the clear intention.. with receiving larger and larger amounts of this higher vibrations.. no breaks into to hara line.. let the hara realixe that it is time.. it is now, let the transformation happen..
Now imagine it filling your multidimensional fabric of interconnectedness.. to the 7th lieve touching the edges or your beinginess.. deeper into the 6th/5th/4/3/2/1st.
Smell/feel/let yourself embody it.. within you and your enterconnectedness to to sea of conscoulsness.feel the scroud come down and then invite the triple helix..say you are ready. Feel the passion/joy/bliss now, this moment. This cellular frequency.
Front back-top bottom-left right..
In your own time and space. Slowly/gently/compassionately..return to the room.
Let’s just start at the bottom , invite that energy of palee’
Not to be graphic, but breathe thru your holes.. breathe in Afferditie/palee/ kalle …breath thru your base.. breath thru your bones.. Breathe that deep thru your coccyx.. do some of that deep breathe. Let’s tone..ooohhhhhhmmmmm.. Remember that energy that we put into that spear into the ground that’s the energy that we are calling..
Have the crown open thru the central channel.. how wide can that central channel be? Just feel that frequency in your field. Breathe it in.. Invite Kalle/Afferdiete/Palee into our backs. In thru the cellular he fluids of our body.. the water of Afferdietie.the strength of Kalle….the grounding of Palee.
Move your personality out of the the vessel…just gently ask it to step aside and be the strength. Invite your golden shadow even stronger in.. let it in thru the front-back, top-bottom, left-right. Notice the resistance and still go there… invite the resistance to step aside and let the golden shadow to step aside and let it come in deeper.. ask Afferdiete and Palee to help you.. Surrender to the truth and the god withing.. feel the magnetic energy thru the body.. int the veins.. in all the meridians.. that strong earth magnetic energy.. feel it.. the vib..
Setting your intention to allow this energy to strengthen throughout the day.. to assist you during the interventions the practice sessions.. to heal any distortions..
In your own time and space.. gently come back into the room.
Print Name; Class Number and Date on the top of each page and number each page.
1. Read the chapter on Chronic Illness and answer all the questions at the end.
2. Do an ancestral Lineage/Archetype Intervention and write it up.
3. Explore what gets triggered in your ME-B system when something stressful happens. (For instance, when you evaluate your abilities in class during practice sessions or when you discover something you are doing wrong….) What character structure shows up, defenses, transference and negative beliefs… and what happens in the mind, auric field and intention line. Then notice how you can support yourself so you can transform the energy of the trigger back to Core Being.
Part 2
Also, in a brief summary, explore your nervous system’s dysregulation. 1)Explore how your ego is linked to the dysregulation
2) What is the negative belief/emotion(s) and negative sense of self? 3)How does it relate to your attachment system?
4) What is the trauma asking for transformation?
5) What self-care plan do you need to put together in order to transform it!
I recommend you really go deep with this question, as it is vital for long-term health and happiness.
4. Explore how you would work with the following personality disorders. What would they trigger in you and do you know anyone who holds these energetic patterns. How might you now interact with them given what you have learned by reading the summaries below.
In the DSM-V you can find information on different psychological diagnostic criteria and you should have a copy on hand. (On youtube, google, Wickepedia) or you can buy a copy from or any bookstore.
I included these three personality disorders because they are the most challenging to work with therapeutically. I sometimes screen people and refer these personality types to others because ME-B Psychotherapy Trauma work can be too intense for them. However, ME-B positive resourcing techniques are most effective for any personality disorder and are recommended.
I also recommend you read from an Abnormal Psychology book about some of the more common mental illnesses such as depressive disorder, bi-polar and anxiety related disorders.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
People with this disorder demand attention and feel they are special. They expect regular doses of praise and may devalue the credentials of those who either disappoint them or fail to give them the consistent praise they feel they deserve. They require admiration and may attack you if they don’t receive it. They expect to be catered to and are puzzled or furious when this doesn’t happen. They form friendships and romantic relationships only if the other person seems likely to advance their purposes or enhances their self-esteem. If a friend challenges them, or fails to serve their purpose, they tend to end the relationship. They assume everyone should be concerned about their welfare and begrudge or try to thwart others people’s success.
They tend to create situations where they have followers. They can only hold leadership verses supportive positions. Jim Jones (started a cult) is an example of an extreme Narcissist.
Providing direct critical feed back to them will prompt them to attack you. In fact, criticism may haunt these individuals and may leave them feeling humiliated, degraded, hollow and empty. They may react with disdain, rage, or defiant counterattack.
This personality type does not easily respond to therapy and rarely finds it useful unless the therapist supports the person’s own ideas about them self and the clients projections into the world. Unfortunately, if the therapist does this, they are creating an unhealthy relationship and dependence upon them.
Dependent Personality Disorder
The essential feature of Dependent Personality Disorder is a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation. This pattern begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts. The dependent and submissive behaviors are designed to elicit care giving and arise from a self-perception of being unable to function adequately without the help of others.
They have difficulty making everyday decisions without advise and have difficulty initiating projects or doing things independently. They become quickly and indiscriminately attached to another person. They are often preoccupied with fears of being left and worry about being abandoned.
Borderline Personality Disorder
The essential feature of Borderline Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity that begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts. They make frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. They may cut themselves and/or threaten suicide to get attention and to manipulate.
They have anger outbursts and may believe that abandonment implies they are bad. They have a pattern of unstable and intense relationships. They may idealize you one day and then devaluate you the next. These individuals can empathize with and nurture others but only with the expectation that the other person will be there to meet their own needs on demand.
They are prone to sudden and dramatic shifts in their view of others who may alternatively be seen as beneficent supporters or as cruelly punitive. They have marked reactivity of mood – anger, panic, despair. They may display extreme sarcasm, enduring bitterness, or verbal outburst. The anger is often elicited when a friend or lover is seen as withholding or uncaring or abandoning.
1. What gifts/lessons can come from chronic illness and how best can we help a client master them?
Why does chronic illness so often trigger our victim issues and feelings of being out of control?
2. The energy vortex for the HVC of god/source is located where in the body?
3. If we remain sick, or die, have we failed? Is sickness our fault? Why is this not spiritual junk food or when is it spiritual junk food?
4. The intention line needs to be realigned so it supports health. Explain why this is so important.
5. When sensing into cancer or any chronic illness, how do we make sure we don’t get sick from its LVC?
6. When working with cancer, what do we want to be careful to avoid?
7. What are the most important strategies to remember when we are helping someone during the dying process?
8. What emotional issues must we address if we have a chronic illness? What are some solutions to them? Explain in detail.
9. Which character structure has the most difficult time healing chronic illness and which character structure has the easiest time? Explain.
10. Describe mania and depression from an energetic perspective.
11. Given your talents at tracing and assessing energy, which senses would you use to assess mental illness in the field?
12. What mental and physical illnesses make you feel uncomfortable and why? Would you accept a client with these illnesses? Explain.
13. Describe unhealthy energetic boundary configurations in the field.
14. How can we support people with schizophrenia?
15. What are your self-care challenges? Write up a self-care action plan.
16. Review the steps to help guide someone to transition through death and outline what might be easy for you and what might be challenging.
Explorer’s Mind – A Map to Freedom;
Some of these other books you might enjoy as well!
Dispenza, J. (2014). You are the placebo: Making your mind matter. New York, NY: Hay House.
Doidge, N. (2007) The brain that changes itself: Stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. New York, NY: Penguin Books.
Eden, D. (1999). Energy medicine: Balancing your body’s energies for optimal health, joy, and vitality. New York, NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam.
Goldhill, O. (2016, December). Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body. Retrieved from
Dale, C. (2009). The subtle body: An encyclopedia of your energetic anatomy. Boulder, CO: Sounds True, Inc.
Scaer, Robert C. The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma, Dissociation and Disease. 2001. The Haworth Press ISBN 0 7890 1246-4
Goswami, A. (2001). Physics of the soul: The quantum book of living, dying, reincarnation, and immortality. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing.
NOTE: If you are not currently an MA in mental health or licensed as a mental health professional, please read any recent Abnormal Psychology book.
- Ability to track and integrate the HVC of the positive archetype to melt away the negative template of the old template within yourself and within a client.
- Ability to begin to explore the concept of eventually doing the ancestral wiring. Year 2 this is taught more.
Manifesting Your Best Life!
Jung believed that archetypes could be linked to heredity and regarded them as instinctual. We are born with these patterns. They are held in our bodies and in the blueprint of our DNA as it is passed down through centuries. Jung even explored how archetypes are elemental forces that play a vital role in the creation of the world and of the human mind. Ancients called them “elemental spirits.” One writer explains it this way:
We all share a single universal unconscious. Mind is rooted in the unconscious just as a tree is rooted in the ground. Imagine the Universal Unconscious as a cosmic computer. Our minds are subdirectories of the root directory. If we look at our personal “work areas,” we find much material that is unique to our historical universal patterns. If we humans have the courage to seek the source to which our account belongs, we begin to discover ever more impersonal and universal patterns. The directories of the cosmic computer to which we can gain access are filled with the myths of the human species.
When doing Ancestral interventions, we will be looking for the energetic wiring, which looks like a black wire. We will unwind the energetic root from entangling and diminishing the flow of energy through the chakra system and the Auric Field. When we disconnect the unhealthy wires (root free), we reconnect ourselves to the source of the healthier ancestral pattern or the main archetypical “directory” or elemental force.
During Ancestral interventions, often times archetypical patterns emerge. The two often become the same thing. For instance, we may have lived lifetimes as an abused woman. This is the challenging archetype of the wounded woman. We can bring in the positive energy of the heroine archetype to transform the LVC of the wounded woman archetype.
The heroine or hero archetype is represented in the legends of Hercules and Joan of Arc —figures who are confronted in numerous battles alone, on behalf of others much weaker than themselves.
If this is too difficult, ask a trained Me-B Guide to assist. |
It is important to track the energy accurately and not impose an intervention upon a client or ourselves. Rarely do clients present with an archetype or ancestral intervention until they have done a significant amount of developmental work and are at least at Stage 4 of Me-B Transformation.
TABLE WORK:If doing table work, reach with your dominant hand upward toward the outer edges of your client’s field. Connect to, feel, and sense the cord of the positive archetype and connect it into the client’s Core Being vortex just above the navel and below the third chakra. Ask the client to use all of their senses. Visualize a symbol, picture or a time in the past when the client felt connected to the energy of the positive archetype. Ask your client to let the energy of the positive archetype into their body. Ask them to notice where it feels strongest and then focus on those areas and invite the energy to fill every cell, bone and organ. (Note: If the energy does not download, then investigate if there is an unhealthy ancestral wire in the second, third and/or forth chakras. Usually, this means you need to explore an unhealthy ancestral cord that is blocking the positive archetype. This is no longer a Solo Archetype Intervention, and it becomes an Ancestral Confluence Archetype intervention. This is diagramed next.) NON‐TOUCH:Ask your client to resonate to their Core Being/intention line while you do the same. Use intention to sense the positive archetype and ask your client to do the same. Ask the client to use all of their senses. Visualize a symbol, picture or a time in the past when the client felt connected to the energy of the positive archetype. Ask your client to let the energy of the positive archetype into their body. Ask them to notice where it feels strongest and then focus on those areas and invite the energy to fill every cell, bone and organ.
ARCHETYPE AND ANCESTRAL CONFLUENCE INTERVENTIONWhen a client follows the same negative pattern in life and you notice it is linked to the same negative pattern that their mother, father or ancestors followed, it is time for an Archetype and Ancestral Confluence Intervention. Confluence, by definition is a flowing or coming together of people and/or things. So by doing this intervention, you are able to transform any negative confluence in a person’s life. Before practicing this on someone else, attend a MeB training to learn how to do this intervention. It is complex and very technical. Get support and learn it well.
Resonate at the Core Being level. Follow the wire and let it dissolve or pull the wire out of the field. This also pulls out the unhealthy pattern.
TABLE WORK INTERVENTION: If doing table work, reach with your dominant hand upward toward the outer edges of your client’s field. Connect to, feel, sense the energy of the positive archetype to replace the energy of the negative ancestral pattern. Connect it into the client’s Core Being vortex just above the navel and below the third chakra. Ask the client to use all of their senses. Visualize a symbol, picture or a time in the past when the client felt connected to the energy of the positive archetype. Ask your client to let the energy of the positive archetype into their body. Ask them to notice where it feels strongest and then focus on those areas and invite the energy to fill every cell, bone and organ. |
Some of us believe that we are here on earth so we can learn how to “wake up” from the dream of life. This means that the reality we live is only something our mind has created. This world is only as real as our dreams at night—the only difference being that it is much more difficult to wake up from the dream of the everyday world.
Byron Katie’s book, 1000 Names of Joy, explains the view of reality she has held since 1984, when she “woke up” and began to view the world from the perspective of her enlightened mind. Katie states that everything is perfect and represents god’s will 100 percent. If something happens, it is perfect, in her view—even rape, murder, death and tragedy.
For some, this is a rather radical view. For me, it requires a constant letting go of what I think “should” or “could” happen versus what DID happen or IS happening in the moment. Seeing life as a dream can help us stop judging what is happening.
Given how deeply I am committed to personal change and to facilitating change in others, it is a huge personal challenge to view the world as not needing change. It is probably one of the hardest things we can do to view every moment in the bliss of the unknown, knowing that what happens is always perfect. This is an ideal I am enjoying more and more every day. Working with our own or a client’s dreams can help bring perspective to this ideal. We know our dreams are not reality. Should we also view everyday life as a dream that is not a clear representation of reality?
If we can do it, how might it even serve the greater good? How might it create more joy, peace and fulfillment in the world… or should I say, in the “dream” of the world?
- If it were my dream, I imagine it would mean….
- View each character in the dream as if the character represented an aspect of you.
- Retell it in the present first person narrative and feel the feelings/emotions/energy along the way. Process the deeper meaning.
- Explore symbolism in the dreams.
- Draw the dream.
- Find the biggest energetic charge in the dream and notice where we feel that same charge in our body and energy system. Work with that charge in a Core Distortion healing to shift the LVC into HVC.
- If the dream is too traumatic, you can have a power animal or a spirit guide come into the dream with you.
- Work with pillows in a Gestalt-like fashion. Let each pillow represent a part of the dream. You can add pillows or take them away. Usually work from the areas of lowest charge to the areas of greatest charge, or isolate one aspect of the dream to start.
Three Types Of Dreams:
- Archetypical dreams—or, as Jung would say, dreams that represent collective consciousness.
- Dreams that represent personal and developmental Core Distortions. Usually a person will begin seeing dreams in terms of developmental distortions and then progress to collective consciousness.
- Precognitive dreams or dreams providing psychic information.
To make a dream less traumatic, we can ask ourselves or the client to view the dream as an issue of collective consciousness, so they are more detached. Many war dreams are about collective consciousness. After all, we are all one, so anyone tapping into the collective is also tapping into himself or herself.
Dreams can be subconscious or unconscious, and they can hold emotional material.
Even if we can only remember one aspect of a dream, we can still work with it. A teacher of mine told a story about one of their clients who could only remember a color in their dream. By working with that color, the client’s true being was revealed. He discovered that he was not a computer programmer at heart—instead, he was gay, and his passion was to be a florist. It took over a year of therapy before this client’s dreams opened up.
- What archetypes do you identify with? For a listing of archetypes, go to the following link:
- What negative ancestral patterns follow you throughout the day? What positive archetypical energies can help you realign?
- Why might it be helpful or not helpful to view life as a dream? What are your challenges in viewing this life as a dream? What negative intention might get in the way of letting you receive the benefits of viewing life as a dream?
- Watch your dreams for a week and write them down. Explore what wisdom they might hold.