Year 2 Student Class 9


Student Class Content

AgendaStudent MeditationsVideos/WebinarsInterventions

Dreams, New Year’s Intentions, Re-Birthing

  • Healing unhealthy ancestral and archetypical energies to create a consciousness shift throughout you. To be successful, it is about revealing the subconscious saboteur within you. Discover your negative saboteur and your positive Core Being.
     As you transform and remove your Core Distortions, unhealthy wiring, you awaken to a new and more whole sense of self. (Review this video on shame again: SKILLS/OUTCOMES

    • Master the ability to notice and transform your unhealthy patterns
    • As you master the ability to feel, sense and assess where Core Distortions are held in the body/mind/energy system…also begin to master the ability to transform their LVC to HVC so you embody their gifts and not their trials.
    • Re-birthing
    • Energy Transformation of Dreams
      • Explore how to call a client on the table in defense to invite them to come out.
      • How to you better own your own defenses, so you don’t spread the pain around?
      • How to guide a client into HVC Dreams

Ancestral And Archetype Meditation

MeB Meditation Ancestral Lineage

Friday November 14, 2008


Come in: do a body scan starting at the top of the head. Physically,emotionally,mentally,physical.

Scanning thru whole body, vpc/chakra-spinning? Hooked into central chanell, are3y they holding anything? Imagine archetype for the chakras.what positive vibrations can you invite in.imagine..

Throat-what emotions. Show does it hook in? what archetype can support throat chakra?it’s about being your own attourity. About is blue/greetn is green.about not need somebodies love to know you are whole/

Coming down to shoulders? What’s happening here.energetically.somatically.coredistrotions?beliefs?what’s here know?

Coming into your heart-front and back/what’s here now? How does it hook in? what archetype could support you here in the heart chakra.

Coming into solar plexus. front an dback..what’s here now? The mid bacxk the midbelly. The vortice for the core star. Self assessing down thru the second chakra. Whole pelvic,glute.pelvis-sexual organs

The thighs/knees/lower legs. What’s here now.. feet/

Bring to mind an area that is holding..imagine any ancestral cords where is in in your body. Imagine a cord.. whre it is in your body.. follow this cord, what part of your lineage is it? Let images coming to you.. what are your believes in the ancestral energy that are asking to receive the light. What is the positive archetype that could help that transform? Since some of you are already doing it, resourse that positive archetype to help transform it.. connecting breathe with awareness, keep breathing, drawing in more light to that part of the body, deep into to cellular structure.. feel it in your dna/microtubule /muscles.thru your auric field. Let the light come in. let there be no resitance. Let these new vibrations enter deeply into your bones/cells/tissues/ smell-know-feel it in you knowing the connection to the divine./ let this run thru your auric dimension. With the clear intention.. with receiving larger and larger amounts of this higher vibrations.. no breaks into to hara line.. let the hara realixe that it is time.. it is now, let the transformation happen..

Now imagine it filling your multidimensional fabric of interconnectedness.. to the 7th lieve touching the edges or your beinginess.. deeper into the 6th/5th/4/3/2/1st.

Smell/feel/let yourself embody it.. within you and your enterconnectedness to to sea of conscoulsness.feel the scroud come down and then invite the triple helix..say you are ready. Feel the passion/joy/bliss now, this moment. This cellular frequency.

Front back-top bottom-left right..

In your own time and space. Slowly/gently/compassionately..return to the room.

Let’s just start at the bottom , invite that energy of palee’

Not to be graphic, but breathe thru your holes.. breathe in Afferditie/palee/ kalle …breath thru your base.. breath thru your bones.. Breathe that deep thru your coccyx.. do some of that deep breathe. Let’s tone..ooohhhhhhmmmmm.. Remember that energy that we put into that spear into the ground that’s the energy that we are calling..

Have the crown open thru the central channel.. how wide can that central channel be? Just feel that frequency in your field. Breathe it in.. Invite Kalle/Afferdiete/Palee into our backs. In thru the cellular he fluids of our body.. the water of Afferdietie.the strength of Kalle….the grounding of Palee.

Move your personality out of the the vessel…just gently ask it to step aside and be the strength. Invite your golden shadow even stronger in.. let it in thru the front-back, top-bottom, left-right. Notice the resistance and still go there… invite the resistance to step aside and let the golden shadow to step aside and let it come in deeper.. ask Afferdiete and Palee to help you.. Surrender to the truth and the god withing.. feel the magnetic energy thru the body.. int the veins.. in all the meridians.. that strong earth magnetic energy.. feel it.. the vib..

Setting your intention to allow this energy to strengthen throughout the day.. to assist you during the interventions the practice sessions.. to heal any distortions..

In your own time and space.. gently come back into the room.


Re-Birthing Trauma, an Energetic Transformation Intervention

This intervention is best used once someone has worked through much of their developmental trauma and is ready to heal prenatal, birth trauma and past lives.

I developed this organically during a deep mediative practice. I am adopted and had a huge amount of birth trauma that I worked hard to resolve. The “re-birthing” Intervention I am teaching this weekend, was pivotal in helping me resolve birth trauma and the false sense of self and negative beliefs it engendered.

As you know by now, every traumatic experience plays havoc on our nervous system, our sense of self, and our ability to feel safe in the world. It makes it very difficult to accurately assess danger, so that we can sometimes over react when it is really safe, or under react when it isn’t safe. As a result, we

My first experience with healing birth trauma was during a breathwork session with some friends from the Brennan School. At the peak of the one-on- one breathwork session, I went back in time to the moment when my birth mother and birth father discovered that I existed. Needless to say, they were unmarried, scared and wished I didn’t exist.

As I deepened into the breathwork experience, my friend coached me to surrender into the energy that arose. After about 20 minutes, I could feel my prenatal infant experience the pain of my umbilical cord tighten around my neck. And, as my in utero unborn body grew, so did the discomfort. It felt like energetically, both my birth parents were trying to choak me to death because my existence was “ruining their lives.”

The next time I worked my birth trauma was at the Brennan School, when a teacher, Patricia White Buffalo, did a healing on me where I regressed backward to re-experience my actual birth. She felt how the cord was wrapped around my neck and as she released it energetically, I felt intense relieve, yet also intense sorrow. I began sobbing uncontrollably. It was clear that White Buffalo helped me release the flood gates of something so deep and profound that just one healing with her wasn’t going to resolve it.

It was a few years after this experience that during a deep meditation, I felt the birth trauma energy begin to wave through my body, and as I surrendered into the flow of it, I also supported it to gently move downward through my body. This movement of energy downward opened my central channel from the top of my head, flowing downward through my torso, and when it got to my pelvis, I felt an irresistible urge to push.

It felt like I was rebirthing my new sense of self with a brilliant opportunity to let go of the ugly negative patterns, thoughts and false self that came with it.

Follow these steps to help yourself and/or your clients release the negative feelings, beliefs and trauma from difficult in utero and birth experiences.

Step 1: Energetic follow the balancing and core being awakening hands-on techniques.

Step 2: To help your client awaken the birth trauma in their energy field and body, as they are lying face up on the table, use a Pilates ring and ask them to squeeze it between their legs. This activates the trauma held there so it can heal.

Step 3: Then follow the energy to support each phase of the intervention until they feel the urge to push. As they push, help them feel the energy of their young infant self move downward and out their 1st chakra. Help them catch the infant and deepen into the healing process.

Step 4: Invite their new infant self to rest on their chest and receive and reintegrate the baby into their energy field, while receiving the gifts of a deeper connection to their core being, and healing of the false self and beliefs that no longer have to hold them back.

Practice connecting to the Manifest Energy and then watch the ego and its effects on our state of happiness. Get to know the games the ego plays in order to prevent us from changing, and write these down. Then, energetically unhook from the ego and connect back to Core Being!
1. Notice in our Me-B System the effects of the negative ego or superego, then
2. Let the Explorer’s Mind teach us again and again how to allow the old identifications of ego-based self to die. We can let ourselves become metaphorically reborn by unhooking our 2nd and 4th levels of the Auric Field from the Ego vibration and reconnecting to Core Being.
Using intention, feel and imagine the frequency of Core Being filling the 2nd and 4th levels of the field and filling the 3rd Chakra. Then realign your intention in the Manifest Energy, so it knows that when ego is present, you will disconnect from the ego and realign to support Core Being.
The death-rebirth process of our Ego is an ongoing life­long process. For the spiritual warrior, it never ends. The universe will always invite a situation into our life where we find our self bumping up against the edges of our negative ego. It is the warrior who sees this as an opportunity and a gift.
Maybe life does this so we have the opportunity to see ourselves at a deeper level and see our next piece of personal work. I sometimes call this another “blankety-blank” growth opportunity— the expletive being that it is usually quite difficult and painful!
However, as we begin to view what is happening from the detachment of the Manifest Energy and Explorer’s Mind, we can use our Enlightened Observer to help us reconnect to our Core Being. When this happens, our relationship to the pain can change. We can become aware of what is happening instead of feeling victim to what is happening. We learn how to transform versus collapse, dissociate or reject.
Some believe the human ego supports our individuation and supports our ability to co-create. It is a trickster because it also prevents our individuation when the negative ego takes hold. In expanded states of consciousness—such as when we connect to our Core Being—the negative ego dissolves, the positive ego emerges and our Core Being can be accessed.
In psychological trainings, much is said about supporting Ego Strength. In Me‐B TransformationTM, we strive to move out of the dimension of Ego and into Core Being. We don’t teach Ego Strength; instead, we teach using our Explorer’s Mind so we have the positive intention to use our Enlightened Observer and connect to our Core Being!
This process is much simpler to explain than to actualize. Yet, as we focus on what we can do, we get more of what we can do. The Explorer’s Mind can send kindness and compassion for the parts of us that get lost along the way.
Ego Distortion Fear Inadequacy Humiliation Arrogance/ Imperfection Arrogance/Fear Manipulation/ Control

Remember the Where Is Waldo Book for children? In it, we look at a busy page of images and find Waldo somewhere hidden on the page. Our ego is very similar. Our minds and lives are packed full with so much throughout our days that it takes effort and strength to find our activated ego in the midst of the chaos.
Step 1: Using the Explorer’s Mind, set your intention to watch your ego for one day. Simply notice it.
Step 2: The next day, watch your ego and assess how it affects your body and energy system.
Step 3: The third day, watch, assess and imagine how you can shift out of an activated ego and come back to center. To let go of the activated ego, you must let go of the negative self-images and emotions it evokes. Let the images and emotions become simply energy that runs through you, instead something that defines you. The negative ego lowers your vibration. To shift out of it, you must find ways to raise your vibration and connect to Core Being.
Step 4: Do the positive resourcing techniques described later. Practice feeling the pain without being the pain. Accept the dark and light within, without energetically merging and over-identifying with the dark or light.
Remember, it is our programming at the personality level that creates the pain we experience. It is the Core Being that can rebalance us to the deeper ribbon of truth.


Some of us believe that we are here on earth so we can learn how to “wake up” from the dream of life. This means that the reality we live is only something our mind has created. This world is only as real as our dreams at night—the only difference being that it is much more difficult to wake up from the dream of the everyday world.

Byron Katie’s book, 1000 Names of Joy, explains the view of reality she has held since 1984, when she “woke up” and began to view the world from the perspective of her enlightened mind. Katie states that everything is perfect and represents god’s will 100 percent. If something happens, it is perfect, in her view—even rape, murder, death and tragedy.

For some, this is a rather radical view. For me, it requires a constant letting go of what I think “should” or “could” happen versus what DID happen or IS happening in the moment. Seeing life as a dream can help us stop judging what is happening.

Given how deeply I am committed to personal change and to facilitating change in others, it is a huge personal challenge to view the world as not needing change. It is probably one of the hardest things we can do to view every moment in the bliss of the unknown, knowing that what happens is always perfect. This is an ideal I am enjoying more and more every day. Working with our own or a client’s dreams can help bring perspective to this ideal. We know our dreams are not reality. Should we also view everyday life as a dream that is not a clear representation of reality?

If we can do it, how might it even serve the greater good? How might it create more joy, peace and fulfillment in the world… or should I say, in the “dream” of the world?


  • If it were my dream, I imagine it would mean….
  • View each character in the dream as if the character represented an aspect of you.
  • Retell it in the present first person narrative and feel the feelings/emotions/energy along the way. Process the deeper meaning.
  • Explore symbolism in the dreams.
  • Draw the dream.
  • Find the biggest energetic charge in the dream and notice where we feel that same charge in our body and energy system. Work with that charge in a Core Distortion healing to shift the LVC into HVC.
  • If the dream is too traumatic, you can have a power animal or a spirit guide come into the dream with you.
  • Work with pillows in a Gestalt-like fashion. Let each pillow represent a part of the dream. You can add pillows or take them away. Usually work from the areas of lowest charge to the areas of greatest charge, or isolate one aspect of the dream to start.

Three Types Of Dreams:

  1. Archetypical dreams—or, as Jung would say, dreams that represent collective consciousness.
  2. Dreams that represent personal and developmental Core Distortions. Usually a person will begin seeing dreams in terms of developmental distortions and then progress to collective consciousness.
  3. Precognitive dreams or dreams providing psychic information.

To make a dream less traumatic, we can ask ourselves or the client to view the dream as an issue of collective consciousness, so they are more detached. Many war dreams are about collective consciousness. After all, we are all one, so anyone tapping into the collective is also tapping into himself or herself.

Dreams can be subconscious or unconscious, and they can hold emotional material.

Even if we can only remember one aspect of a dream, we can still work with it. A teacher of mine told a story about one of their clients who could only remember a color in their dream. By working with that color, the client’s true being was revealed. He discovered that he was not a computer programmer at heart—instead, he was gay, and his passion was to be a florist. It took over a year of therapy before this client’s dreams opened up.

Manifesting Your Best Life!


How to Conclude A Session

INTERVENTION CLASS 9 – Ancestral Wiring Demo (TAUGHT YEAR 2)