Sex is power

Sex is power
How do we heal when power is the carrot?
Can power be redefined?

Moving with and into that trauma response is an essential part of any healing process. Learning how to feel the emotional pain in a manner that creates deep empowerment and a strong connection to your bigger essence is key.

Your old brain begins to preserve our partner as someone who nurtures. Painful memories are over laid with positive affirmations and your partner no longer categorized you as a bringer of death…but as a wellspring of life

Entrapment deadens desire

Intimacy is only possible within the context of safety and pleasure.

Link between Intimacy and sexual desire

Communication during sex, defense, likes and dislikes, becoming one

Male and female brain

Ted Talk on sex and the brain

Sex and the human brain


Assumptions – Assessment – Sexual dysfunction – Affairs – Cheating – equity- good enough – growth goals – satisfaction – Stats and prevention of going back to old patterns

Jammie Thompson Holistic Sex Coach – 4 types of sex

Romance, Primal, spiritual, fantasy

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