stress NPR and statistics



Bad health, causes stress :

According to an NPR self-reported poll,
People with Chronic Illness are 5 times as likely to have mental health issues
4 out of 5 say their own health contribute to their stress

*Stress exacerbates Chronic Illness and Chronic Illness exacerbates stress

Stress Causes:

  • 82 percent of health care professionals are not asking patients about stress.
  • 2.6 times as likely to have diabetes
  • 2.9 times as likely to have back pain
  • Stress creates histological and physiological changes in the tissues
  • ½ of the people polled reported a major stressful event in the past year and ¼ said in the past month.
  • Whereas 60 percent of those in poor health reported a great deal of stress in the month
  • nearly ¾ that are stressed say it has affected their health
  • nearly ½ say their emotional wellbeing is affected by stress
  • more than ½ say it affects their sleep 
  • ½ say stress makes it hard to concentrate or make decisions- it affects their cognitive health
  • 4 out of 5 say their health care provider didn’t ask about stress and more than ½ said they didn’t talk about it with their doctor
  • 82 percent of health care professionals are not asking patients about stress.

Those that have had a toxic stress are:

Costing 5 times as much
2.6 times as likely to have diabetis
2.9 back pain
5 times as likely to have mental health issues

  • Those who lived lives so full of stress and pressure they were more likely to have heart attakes and more than twice as likely as type b personality type.
  • Source: Self reported in a poll

How big a problem is stress?

Major stressful event in the past year – ½ report it in the past year

More than ¼ a great deal of stress in the past month.

People in poor health report more stress…  60 percent in poor health report serious stress in the past month (others reported only ¼)

4 out of 5 say their own health contribute to their stress

  • Nearly ¾ of those that experience stress on a monthly basis ¾ that are stressed say it has affected their health
  • Nearly ½ say their emotional wellbeing is affected more than ½ say it affects their sleep and
  • ½ say it makes it hard to concentrate or make decisions so it affect their cognitive health

4 out of 5 say their health care provider didn’t ask about stress and more than ½ said they didn’t talk about it with their doctor