Year 2 Student Class 2


Student Class 2 Content

AgendaStudent MeditationsCompetencyVideos/WebinarsInterventions

WHO AM I ENERGETICALLY in Defense, Trauma, and Core Being?

Note: Explore how to master the ability to love your low vibrational parts from the high vibrational consciousness of Core Being

  • You are all whole, you just don’t always interact from that deep connection within yourself. How can you set yourself up for proceedureal memory of holding two places at once? “Yes and” so to say as they do in improve.

  • The intention line is skill 2, detachment that helps you differentiate and individualize from your negative programmed personality.
  • The goal is to help you develop strong energetic weight lifting of LVC to HVC.

  • Step 2, differentiation and Step 1 self-identification of Core Being.

    • How do you assist a client in maximizing their ideal self-regulation skills and also helping them develop higher level skills?
    • Review Multi-dimensional Fabric of Interconnectedness/Centered-Oneness-Star Child Interventions (Review this video to help you:
    • Practice helping advance a client’s self regulation skills by teaching them core being and begin to shifting negative patterns (Step 1: self awareness) and other self-regulation skills.
    • Teach the 5 steps to the client.
    • Advance the tracking skills and what to say when.
    • How do you better assist a client through habituated patterns and how do you explain the brain science that makes it hard for them to transform and self-identify as Core Being?
    • Begin to explore how to help a client master the ability to love their low vibrational parts from the high vibrational consciousness of Core Being and how to let the Universe have their backs.

Meditations for Class 2

Power Source

How the universe can have your back
Self love meditation

Competencies for Class 2

  • Assist a client in maximizing their ideal self-regulation skills and also helping them develop higher level skills
  • Know how to advance a client’s self regulation skills by teaching them core being and this is me/ this is not me, begin to know how to help them shift negative patterns (Step 1: self awareness) and other self-regulation skills)
  • How do you better assist a client through habituated patterns and how do you explain the brain science that makes it hard for them to transform and self-identify as Core Being?
  • Begin to explore how to help a client master the ability to love their low vibrational parts from the high vibrational consciousness of Core Being
Click Below to Download Class 8 Trauma Presentation
Class 8 Trauma Presentation

Working through the collapse

How to Tone to Shift the Consciousness of a Chakra

Step 1: Cup your hands around the chakra like you would over a friend’s ear to help them hear you better.

Step 2: Find a high pitch and alter it until it begins to vibrate the client’s chakra

Step 3: Pause, until the vibration settles, assess the field and determine if you should do another round.

Download PDF Below:


As you master the 5-Skills to implement the 5-Steps (all day long), you will successfully change your emotional reactivity, stop negative habituated patterns and replace them with positive actions and beliefs.

5 Energy and Mindfulness Skills to Implement the 5-Steps
1. Explorer’s Mind
2.Aligned Intention (detachment), and
3. Choice Points to move through the 3-Rings of Healing
4. Enlightened Observer (self-love, kindness)
5. Core Being (Whole Self).

As you master this ALL-IN ONE, Integrative Mind, Energy and Body Transformation process, you get your best relationship, career, health and life.

In order to master the 5-Skills and implement the 5-Steps (100 times a day) means you must develop healthy habits. A habit is when our brain is on autopilot. As you repeat the habit (such as a thought/action/belief) it becomes a habit.

By “bad habit” is defined as causing or contributing to “bad” long-term problems that prevent you from owning your Core Being and manifesting your dreams into reality. Good habits are things that end well for you down the road.

Once an action becomes a habit, your Dopamine Neurons, will release the neurotransmitter into your brain so you receive a biochemical “drug” that forces/prompts you to repeat and “do” the habit.
To Change “bad” habits and to foster “good” habits, you must:

1) Keep the long-term memory (Prefrontal Cortex) or a top down approach to your intentions to shift any energy/consciousness/biochemical that gets in the way of forming/maintaining healthy habits.

–while, at the same time—you must also…

2) Use the part of the brain that develops implicit learning skills (bottom up) approach. The prefrontal cortex is not part of this skill “implicit” learning system.

These two parts of the brain are connected through the hippocampus. Because of your hippocampus, you can benefit from each of these two systems.

In essence, if you are to change a “bad” habit, you must use both parts of your brain:
1) change your implicit learning system and
2) maintain your long-term prefrontal cortex system.

THE ONLY REASON you successfully implement the 5-steps, is NOT only because you remember the 5-steps, it is because YOU ALSO PRACTICED THE 5 STEPS!

So when they say practice, makes perfect, it really does!

Combine memory of the 5-Steps with the practice of the 5-Steps and you will succeed in changing your brain, changing your unsupportive beliefs, patterns and thoughts and manifesting your dreams into reality!

IMPLICIT LEARNING: June, a woman that has no long-term memory and can only remember what has happened in the last 10 minutes, walked into her doctor’s office and shook his hand. As the doctor reached out and shook June’s hand, he painfully pricked June’s hand with a sharp tack. Of course, she felt the pain and quickly withdrew her hand.

The next day, even though June doesn’t have long-term memory, when the doctor approached her and then reached out to shake her hand, she refused and quickly withdrew her hand. (Pavlov’s dog)
This is called implicit learning. So even if you don’t have the ability to remember long-term, you do have the ability to develop skills, even learn the piano!

(You just cannot memorize the notes so you will never be able to read the music. But you can gain the muscle memory so when you sit down to play a song, you hands will move even though you do not have the cognitive learning.)

DOPAMINE MAKES YOU TAKE ACTION: It is not about pleasure-it is about programming. It tells you to repeat the action again. Dopamine is very much about IMPLICIT LEARNING and about propelling you to take action, thus develop habits and reactions.

As a general, yet very basic and somewhat simplified description…when an action becomes a habit, your Dopamine Neurons will release the neurotransmitter in your brain so you receive a biochemical benefit from doing the habit.

In actuality, an external “cue” triggers the Dopamine release to prompt you into repeating the habit.


  • If you see a picture of cake, the picture (or an ad on TV.) can be the cue that releases the dopamine to force you into the habit of eating sugar.
  • If someone tells you that you made a mistake, or rejects and abandons you, you can become triggered out of adult consciousness and Core Being and into any of the following responses depending upon your personality type: disassociation, anger, withdraw, self-criticism, and/or emotional collapse into sadness, anxiety and or depression.

Yet, the good new is that if you don’t let the “cue” trigger you into the unhealthy habit, because you have developed the 5-Skills to implement the 5-Steps, the next time you see the cue, there will be a smaller amount of Dopamine release.
(Note: exceptions to this process are drugs like Cocaine/Pot…. Their Dopamine release system is different and more complex.)

So yes, consistently working the 5-Steps, all day long, 100 times a day, will help you stop bad habits. The 5-Steps will raise your consciousness so you awaken to self-mastery!

Two key factors are vital to this process: self-love and overcoming any shame that may lower your high vibrational consciousness, and hold you back.

Pick One Bad Habit to Work the 5-Steps so it Transforms to HVC

Take time now to align your intention to work the 5-Steps so one of your less supportive habits transforms and your change your Dopamine release system. Write it down.

It can be any bad habit:

  • No more negative self-talk so it can be replaced with unconditional self-love and wisdom.
  • Stop eating sugar or any unhealthy food.
  • No more collapsing when life gets hard.
  • Stop Co-dependency.
  • Eliminate repeated negative patterns around: abundance, self-care, relationships, other.

What is the Core Distortion Feeding the Bad Habit and Where is it Held in Your Body?

List the Core Distortion/Child Consciousness that needs transforming so you lower the volume on the “cue” that triggers the bad habit. Write it down, including where you feel it in the body.

A cue, signals the Dopamine to release. As it releases, you then are compelled to repeat the action. If it is a healthy action, then positive habits are formed.

Step 3
Support the development of a cue to release the Dopamine so you are compelled to deepen the 5-Skills to implement the 5-Steps.

Imagine a ritual or routine that will be incorporated to support you to implement the 5 Steps throughout the day.

For instance, I have two such rituals.
(1) I do the body connecting sequences and feel positive sensations in my body and surrender into them. This then compels me to work the 5-Steps.
(2) When something feels emotionally painful or something “bad” happens to me, I used to do one of the 5 Character Structure Defenses and run away from feeling the difficult emotions or event. But now pain is my cue to do the 5-Steps.

Write down that ritual or the cues you can use to trigger the dopamine release to do the 5-Steps.
Program into your intention line, the ability to bring your prefrontal cortex online when you receive a cue to “act out” a bad habit.
As you do this, you can change any implicit learning and support long-term positive goals.
Fundamentally your brain wants you to be lazy. The way it is set up, is to cue you to be as lazy as possible. That is how its reward system works. Your dopamine can’t compute long-term benefits because it is a short-term reward system.

For instance, if your goal is to eat a low carbohydrates diet, yet there is a cookie in front of you, it will propel you to eat the cookie and not stay aligned to the long-term goal of not eating carbohydrates.

So for the reward system, bad habits mean bad long-term problems. Good habits are things that end well for you down the road.
Only your will power system, located in your frontal cortex ,does long term rewards. Unfortunately, if it goes off line, the dopamine release forces bad habit to take over.

Write down now the beliefs, rational and benefits to ending the bad habit. You can post these on your mirror or desk to help you maintain a long-term view and overcome any negative implicit learning that would sabotage your success.

Take time now to program into the intention line, the commitment to more and more promote long-term results.

Yet, if/when, you fail to end a bad habit, you must also program into your intention line the ability to give yourself love and compassion.

This love and compassion is a vital component of positive habit forming. As you fumble and make mistakes, be in adult consciousness and give to yourself.

If you want to improve your true and greater well-being, it is important to understand that your brain has different ideas of what it means to improve your well being.

Carolyn Eberle, Founder LPC Mind Energy Body Transformation
Copyright 2013